Paying Former Enemies A Visit

"So what did you talk about?" Sylvia asked curiously after Mika exited the palace and rejoined her.

"They have just given me a rough overview of the current situation." Mika replied calmly.

The two began to walk.

"Where are you headed to now? Unfortunately, my break is about to end soon."

"I will wander around for now. Is there something you have to do?"

"Yes, I and the others are also helping with the reconstruction works here."

"I see."

Sylvia looked like she was pondering about something specific.

"Leave some time for us tonight. Knowing them, they surely want to celebrate your discharge. And it's not only them, there are also a few other people who want to talk with you." Sylvia said with a slight smile.

"I'll try."

Sylvia sighed at the unenthusiastic tone of Mika.

"Then, see you later." she said, waving with her hand.

They went in different directions.

[What now?]