Third And Last Time

A few days later.


A group consisting of three people was camping deep inside the Great Jungle but the atmosphere was very tense.

"What now? Didn't you achieve your goal?" Xander asked disinterestedly as he stared at the campfire.


But Martha, the head of the operation, did not respond. She had a grim look on her face as she lightly touched her stomach.

A certain spot there was covered in bandages but the wound still stung extremely. And on top of that, Beatra a fellow B-rank demon died recently.

Those two may have bickered all the time but in the end, those two were from the same realm and had the same goal in mind. They were too proud to say it out loud but they could be considered friends.

"I, for my part, will leave today." Dreyar stated as he stood up.


Xander looked up at him slightly nervously.