One Step Ahead

On the same day the white class split in different directions and before Belian and Lisa arrived at their destination, Lily already wandered around a small town near the southern borders of Rostanta.

The sun was setting when she entered a bar.

"Hey, that uniform..."

"That appearance... Isn't that..."

Unfazed by the stares and whispers of those around her, she walked to the shelter and took a seat.

"How can I help you?" the barkeeper asked with his gaze on the glass he was wiping.

Instead of answering, Lily took out the quest and placed it on the counter.

"I've come here for the quest. Do you have any information?" she asked sternly.


The barkeeper glanced at the paper. His gaze narrowed when he went through the content.

"It's about that demon, huh?"

"So you know anything about it?"

"Yes, but there's no need for you to do anything." he said with a gentle smile.

"Hm? Why that?"
