Without Lifting A Finger

"Haa... Haa..."

Exhausted, Ophelia wobbled in the direction of the academy.

After confirming Gustav's status, she decided to join her sister.

Her body was, however, in shambles. She was hurting everywhere and she had struggles staying conscious. If the situation would have allowed it, then she would have fallen asleep without hesitation.

However, it was the thought of the three others, who went to Loogam with her, that kept her awake. After all, she could not let herself rest while the others were probably fighting out there, especially her older sister who headed to Lucio.

Drops of blood spilled out of her mouth when she cleared her throat.

"Not yet...!" she muttered weakly and yet, firmly.

Using 100 percent of her blood powers for the first time in a while took a toll on her body.

But she kept moving forward.


She opened the doors of the academy.
