
"Get every single person out of here, Lily! Quickly!" Mika said, raising his voice which was rare to hear.

"U-understood!" Lily replied confusedly before she hurried out of the room.

Unlike usual, Mika's calm demeanor was replaced with pure anger and bloodlust. He widened his eyes and glared out of the window.

The presence Mika started to notice from afar came closer to him at an absurdly fast pace.


Mika stepped back and summoned Excalibur on his hip, ready to draw it anytime.


The windows shattered as a certain individual barged into the room from outside.

"How long have I waited for this day...!" Mika muttered enragedly.

He drew Excalibur to parry the great black sword that was swung at him by an armored person with bat-like wings.

Due to the impact of both swords, everything in the office was blown away. Even cracks started to appear in the walls around them.