Rules of World Travel

Eve: Ding!! Master has activated the ability 'Infinite' on CPH4. Ding!! The quantity of CPH4 packets has become unlimited.

Ryan: Yes!! Now for the next item to solve the negative effects of CPH4. Eve if I go into another world and come back after some time does time stay still in this world or not?

Eve: Ding!! Master once a world is entered the time in it continues from the point the story starts or the timeline that the master has entered. If the Master wants to enter a new world and come back to the previous world the time can't be stopped.

Ryan: Ok. Then what about the movies that share the same universe?

Eve: Ding!! Master movies with the same universe will follow the timeline of the universe in which they happen and the master can jump from one movie timeline to the other movie. Example: If Master enters MCU at Captain America 1 then after completing its story master can jump to the next movie Iron Man 1 or can spend the time like normal getting involved with the Peggy Carter tv series until reaching the time of Iron Man 1. Or Master can go to other movie worlds meanwhile as the time gap between them is very large.

Ryan: Ok I understood. So I can go to other worlds after the completion of the movie world's story. So can I enter the same movie world multiple times before the plot starts and make different choices each time?

Eve: Ding!! Yes, the Master can do this it was a loophole that no one found until now. The Master can become a movie world's Hero at one time and re-enter it and become its Villain.

Eve: Ding!! Due to Master's discovery of the loop reward has been granted. Ding!! Master can now decide to stop the time of the current world and travel to other worlds and return back to the world and continue the time.

Ryan: That's perfect. Now I can play "Game of Thrones" on different sides each time, the Starks, Lannisters, Targaryen, Dothraki, or create my own house.