World War II

Coming out of the portal I find myself in an abandoned house at the end of the city. Suddenly with a flash of memories, I got my identity in this world. I am Major Ryan in the American Army and am a member of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, and am currently on a mission to rescue Dr.Abraham Erskine and MI6 Agent Peggy Carter from behind enemy lines back to America. I seem to be having some intimate relationship with Agent Carter while working in the same division, this makes my job easy. The building in which I and a team of 5 others have been waiting here as this is our randevu point with Agent Carter.

After getting all the memories I checked my gear properly which consisted of two Colt M1911A1 strapped on both legs on my thighs, a M1921 Thompson in my hands, a M1941 Johnson rifle strapped on my back, and a bunch of Model 24 Stielhandgranate grenades and some ammo in my backpack.

The plan is to meet up with Agent Carter and escort them to an abandoned airfield where a plane is waiting for us to take us back to the safe zone and then we will be heading back to America with Dr. Erskine for the Super Soldier Project. It will take around a year and a half for the movie plot to start. During this time I should gather enough money and power so that I can control everything that will happen in the future.

While I was in my thoughts I heard gunfire sound approaching our location. I immediately warned my team to get ready for battle. Soon a car was being chased by German soldiers on several bikes and a jeep approached the house. I ordered the team to eliminate all German soldiers and to rescue the people in the car that is being chased. My team members took out the bikers while I took out the people in the jeep by blowing the head of the driver and when the jeep was turning out of control I hit the fuel tank using my rifle with just 2 bullets. As soon as the enemies were eliminated we moved to the car to see that everyone is safe. By the time I reached the car, a beautiful woman got out of the car from the driver's seat and approached me. It's none other than Agent Carter, she was unrecognizable with her disguise as a normal German housemaid.

Carter: Reporting to Major Ryan. I have safely rescued Dr. Abraham Erskine who is in the car. We should escape from here immediately as the German soldiers have received information about his escape.

Ryan: Well done Agent Carter. I was worried about you as you were getting late for our meeting time. Get him out we will be moving quickly.

I turned around and ordered for retreating. Soon one member went around the house and drove out our escape vehicle which is a truck. After everyone got on the vehicle I took a bike from the dead and got on it to ride in the front to clear the path of any enemies. Within an hour we reached the airfield safely with me eliminating multiple enemy soldiers on the way with my sharp shooting and infinite bullets.

Reaching the airfield we got on board the plane where two of our men were waiting for us. When the engine started the airfield gate was burst open by a tank and several enemy soldiers. I ordered everyone to stay on the plane and not stop taking off, I got off the plane and rode the bike towards the enemy soldiers while shooting at them with my submachine gun. Finding an incline in the area near the tank I used it to jump across the tank from the top and dropped my bag full of grenades into the tank from the opening created by the dead gunman at the top. Dropping off the bombs I rode back towards the plane which is about to take off. I rode beside the plane, Carter was standing at the door reaching out for me to grab her hand. I jumped into the plane off the bike pushing Carter down to the ground of the plane.

Carter hugged me tightly laying on the ground looking into my eyes and kissed me. I also kissed her back until my team members started teasing us making Carter feel embarrassed. We got up and Carter glared at everyone reminding them not to gossip about this back at the division or they will be facing her. They all became silent and accepted so as not to get on our bad side as we are the highest-ranking members in the division after Colonel Phillips.

After a 6-hour long flight avoiding the regions with anti-aircraft guns, we reached a safe zone. From there we rode a truck back to our base at the frontline and then flew back to London from there. After Meeting up with Colonel Phillips in London and having a meeting with the alliance leaders, It was decided to send Dr. Erskine to America away from the war zone and to safely work on the super-soldier project.