Enter The Battlefield

In the evening I met my team with Lorraine and discussed our roles in this mission and to get ready within 3 days for deploying into the battlefield. I dispersed the team leaving behind Lorraine and then we had quite a long conversation on random topics and about each other. Soon it was getting late and our friendly conversation turned into flirting finally we left the bar together to a nearby hotel. The night was beautiful and filled with pleasure it became even more memorable.

The next day I woke up to the scenery of a beautiful woman by my side embracing me tightly like a good wife. I stayed watching her like that for a long time till she woke up. Even though she had sex with me while she was drunk but she did it willingly. Therefore she became my lover in the harem. The next two days I enjoyed my time with Lorraine while also preparing my team for the mission.

Eventually, it was the day of our departure to the battlefield. We took a plane to the battlefield. Our mission is to go deep into enemy territory and launch surprise attacks helping pave a path for the main army to move forward and also to gather intelligence. We aren't the only team with this mission there are several teams going on different paths. The main army will follow the easiest and safest path from all the given intelligence.

My goal currently is to accomplish as many military merits and arise as a leading figure in this battle for future MCU development without many changes in the timeline. To become a significant figure I am going to destroy some enemy bases and weapon storages. Not too many and not too less so that it wouldn't change the outcome of the battle but just to earn fame in the hearts of people around the world. So I should achieve this in this one year before Captain America is born.

Soon we reached our command post at the frontline and met with the commander and received information on the positions of enemy bases that are already found. Without any delay, I and my team broke through the enemy line in our Marauder. All the soldiers at the frontline both ours and the enemies were shocked by our vehicle and its capabilities on the battlefield. This is the first vehicle that entered the battlefield as all the vehicles are still being transported from America.

I named this vehicle as Beast with a metallic black paint and a machine gun mounted on the top its performance fits its name. With us breaking the enemy line alliance soldiers overpowered the enemy soldiers. Our gunner was doing his job very well by taking down their heavy caliber guns and ballistic missile vehicles. With our vehicle's speed and maneuverability and our driver's skills, we weren't even scratched by machine gun fire. It even trampled the soldiers like the beast it was.

Mc battle suit.

Lorraine battle suit.