Red Skull

It was night and we sneaked behind the enemy line on our bikes heading straight to the weapons factory where the captives were taken according to intelligence. Within a couple of hours, we reached the destination. I ordered Lorraine to take her position as she is our sniper and left Peggy to guard her back just in case. I and Steve tried to sneak in just like in the movie. After sneaking we received guidance from Lorraine on where to go so I sent Steve to free the prisoners while I went to check up on the weapons. I was not interested in the weapons but their power source the energy batteries made from the Tesseract. Soon I reached the storage area and found what I was looking for the energy cells. The number of cells they stored here is massive. I took one energy cell of varying sizes each and stored it in my inventory and used Infinite on them. I wasn't interested in the weapons because they looked ugly and bulky they don't have a design quality in them.

Suddenly there were sounds of lots of gunfire it seems that Steve has done his job. Steve was able to overwhelm Schmidt in the movie and now with a Vibranium shield in hand, it will be easy for him. So I left him to do his job and went down to assist the prisoners to destroy the factory and escape. By the time got out to the field prisoners were already revolting with guns but were being suppressed by the energy guns so I started the massacre with my two handguns and killed an enemy soldier with a single bullet to the head. Then the prisoners followed me and took the guns of fallen soldiers and cleared a path with me. The watch towers and machine gunners were taken care of by Lorraine. Within an hour we destroyed the whole place and took over some of the enemy tanks and weapons when I saw a plane leave. That might be Red Skull, I was tempted to kill off Zola now when he is escaping through the road in Red Skull's car but controlled myself so as not to get involved with TVA this early. It's not like they are a threat to me they aren't. Not in front of Superman even if Kang himself comes whichever version that might be.

Soon Steve along with Bucky came out of the crumbling and burning buildings. After gathering everyone and forming a chain of command we headed back to our base camp. Steve has also used his brain and brought the map with Hydra factory locations rather than just memorizing it.

[ How you might ask just break the frame and fold it nice and small to fit in your pocket. ]

After a five-hour-long march, we returned safely. All the soldiers were cheering for their brothers' safe return and singing praises for me and Lorraine as we had already set a few records before making ourselves quite popular among the soldiers. Some soldiers were also talking about Steve and Peggy also especially Steve as because he was looked down upon for being just a lab rat. This made Steve develop confidence in himself. Colonel Phillips was also in the spectators at the General camp. After giving an order for them to settle I and my team went to the General's camp.

Entering the camp there were General, Colonel Phillips, and some other officers. I explained briefly about our mission and our achievements and findings. I showed them the energy guns and the energy cell that I retrieved from the factory. I signaled Steve to show his findings and his experience meeting with Red Skull so that he can get some military merits to can become the Hero that he will be in the future. Then he told them about Red Skull and showed the map consisting of the locations of Hydra's weapon manufacturing factories. This very much impressed both Colonel and the General so they immediately awarded him the position of a Captain.

After the meeting, Steve split from us and headed to Bucky to make sure that he was fine. I and the girls went to my camp to wash and have good sleep. I think I'll have to take a long break before going to another world and spend some time with the girls in System Space as it is too tiring having spent nearly two years battling in the war.