
Coming out of the portal I was surrounded by trees of different sizes and with that additional feature of my system the map I found that I was inside the forest between the borders of Casterly Rock and The Reach. The town that is nearest to me is the Old Oak so I rode out of the forest to the nearby road that leads to Old Oak.

As I was getting closer to the road I heard some sounds of battle. I rushed forward and reached the road and what I saw was hundreds of men attacking some carriages guarded by 30 soldiers in armor. Looks like bandits are attacking to loot. But what caught my attention was the sigil on the carriages and guard's armor. It was a rose. This might be my chance to enter the ranks to play the game so I pulled out my spear and Leo roared and rode towards the bandits. Leo was so excited and tore off the bandit's limbs and heads with a single bite and made his way towards the carriages. I was not idle I used my spear fluidly and cut down everyone that was in my proximity making sure that no one could attack Leo from the sides. Not that they can put a scratch on Leo's skin as it can even withstand bullets. Within a minute we reached the carriage and with just a nod of my head to the guard captain I turned around and got down off Leo and let him free to do his own thing and hunt to his heart's content. I too started having fun cutting and thrusting at the bandits killing them like ants. With just a swing of my arm, the bandits' body and armor were sliced through without any resistance. Even their swords were cut down and they could not even put a scratch on my armor.

Olenna Tyrell POV :

I was coming back from my trip to Casterly Rock searching for the right person who could marry my granddaughter and come into my family so that my house could have a good heir before I died. My son was a useless good-for-nothing who didn't know how to rule and just ate all day. As for my grandson who is talented with the sword but doesn't have any talent to rule only my granddaughter has the brains and ability to rule and get the acknowledgment of the people but as a girl, she cannot inherit the family without a strong man by her side. Even If all the family accepts her the other big families will be able to easily overthrow our house rule. That is why I was going around looking for a suitable person. Till now I could only find Renly Baratheon the King's brother as a suitable man even though he is only interested in men and has already a relationship with my grandson. As I was in my thoughts the horses and the guards outside were getting restless so I lifted the curtain and asked the guard captain what the problem was. Without him replying I understood just by the scene in front of me there were hundreds of bandits rushing towards us. We only have about 50 soldiers guarding us and it will be impossible for us to survive this and I turned towards my granddaughter who was sitting opposite me. Within a few minutes, 20 of our guards were killed and the rest could only passively defend and were encircled from all sides. I could already see my death coming and without me, my house would lose its power and become history.

As I was drowning in sorrow I heard the mighty and majestic roar of a lion and soon screams of death and horror were heard from outside. I looked up and saw my granddaughter looking out filled with joy on her face. I too looked out and saw a man in armor riding a majestic white lion and killing everyone in their path and headed towards us. After reaching the guard captain without any words he turned back got off his mount and continued his massacre. I have seen many battles in my life but never have I ever seen such a one-sided battle and a man with such strength and skill. With every swing of his arm, multiple enemies were cut down cleanly like he was chopping some fruits. This is the type of man that I am searching for that can help my family climb up much higher heights and glory. The man was covered in armor so I could not tell his age but from the shape of his body, I can tell he is young. So I decided to make this man my granddaughter's husband and looked at her and was happy that she was mesmerized by him.

POV End.

As I was having fun I felt that I was being watched by people in the carriage and could see who they were Olenna and Margaery Tyrell. Margaery was my favourite before Daenerys became dragon mother and the show made her dirty and killed her off. I was devastated and now that I can change that I'm going to make the queen that she always wanted to be. And for that, I had to get her attention so I put up a good show showcasing my abilities and strength to finish it I called Leo and signaled him with a nod of my head and he turned into his second form and finished off all the remaining bandits by stomping and biting them off. This shocked all the people and the horses were frightened and tried to run away but was controlled by their riders but some were not as lucky and fell to the ground. After finishing the battle Leo turned back and came towards me and rubbed his head against my legs so I just rubbed his head and walked towards the carriage. The guards were frightened and at the same time also pointed their swords at me fearing that I would also kill them. At this time the old Lady Olenna opened the door and commanded them to stand down and take care of the bodies and set up a camp nearby to have some rest. The guard captain followed her orders and got to business. Now Olenna and Margaery both got out of the carriage and stood in front of me and asked me about my identity.