
The next day Olenna gave the order for developing Shield Islands as a port and also declared it as my own territory from now on and all the construction and other things were handed over to me.

Soon I posted recruitment orders for builders, artisans, and labor for the construction of my territory. I summoned a hundred people for each category from the system. As the system gives identity to them it was smooth without any problems. In the following week about 500 commoners were recruited willingly due to high paying salary. All the workers were sent ahead of me to the islands with my own soldiers that I had summoned from the system counting to a hundred soldiers with all the equipment a horses as mounts.

The construction plans for the development of islands have been given to the leading team of builders and artisans. I have also summoned a skilled person to oversee all the people and construction. His name is James Anderson.

I stayed back as today we confirmed that she has become pregnant. I was very happy for my third child the first two being with Peggy and Lorraine. Margaery was filled with joy and she would not stop expressing how happy she was and Olenna was also overjoyed. After the marketing of our new food products and soap, we have been receiving many orders for them and so we have already set up shops in major cities like King's Landing, Casterly Rock, Storm's End, and some other places. The business was going very well with occasional disturbances from some people sent by Lannisters so that the Tyrells couldn't outgrow them in wealth. But their efforts were futile.

I had already given Margaery the standard powerup just like the other girls and now as a gift for pregnancy, I had bought an egg from the store. I went to our chambers and sent the maids away and took out the egg and showed it to her. It was the size of a dragon egg and it was greyish black with colorful blue lines like veins that seemed to be glowing. She immediately took it into her hands hugged it carefully and asked whether it was a dragon egg. 

I just replied you will know soon enough and I took out an alter that I bought in the shop that can help hatch any monster eggs. The Altar was a simple stone pillar that seemed to be carved from a single rock and at the top with a place to keep the egg and some runes carved around the place. 

With my guidance, Margaery placed the egg on the Altar slashed her hand, and placed it on the egg. Slowly the egg was being covered with her blood and the runes around the glowed soon Margaery stepped back and within a few seconds all the blood got sucked into the egg and soon cracks started to appear on it. After a few minutes, a cute lizard-looking thing broke out of the egg and was looking around for its mother and found Margaery and started making cute sounds calling to her mother.

Margaery seemed to understand its call and stepped forward and gently placed her now-healed hand on top of the creature's head. Soon a magic circle formed between her hand and its head and after a few seconds it vanished. She took her hand back and saw a blue monster head glowing on the back of her hand and the creature also had a blue glowing mark on its forehead. With this, both are connected to each other and both can understand each other. Margaery picked it up and started playing with it and looked at me and asked what type of creature is this.

This is a type of monster lizard but you can consider it as a sea dragon as it can live both on land and water but mostly prefers inside the water. It can grow up to a length of 120 meters and it can also breathe a deadly heat beam from its mouth. Once it grows no naval army can stand a chance against it. It will become the ruler of the seas. After telling her I moved forward and rubbed its neck with my finger getting cue noises. Margaery felt it was hungry so she ordered the maids outside to bring some cooked meat and within a few minutes, the maid came back and was shocked to see her lady playing with some unknown creature. But with Margaery's help, the maid got used to the creature and helped feed it.

For those wondering this is the English version of Godzilla from the 1998 movie Zilla Godzilla. This type has more flexibility than the original versions and also this is the one I was introduced to growing up so naturally I like this one more compared to the new version even though it's good. 

Now that everything is in place it's time to play the game. Firstly I should get rid of the three-eyed raven the manipulator of all things. I doubt that in the original he has taken over Bran Stark's body before he was killed by Night King. That might be why Bran revealed Jon's origins to everyone so that the Targaryen can fight each other for power so that he can finally rule the seven kingdoms. I still have three weeks before the King reaches Winterfell and Bran falls and awakens his Warg powers. I bet the three eyed Raven would not expect that his death is coming.