
Coming back home I had a shower and some breakfast with the girls. Leo seems to have become attached to this place and is unwilling to come with me to Essos. As for the Zilla, he seems to become very much attached to Olenna as she feeds him whenever and whatever he desires and pampers him and is currently staying with her at the Reach and soon will be moved to Shield Islands as he is growing very fast. Margaery named it Kraken as it's going to be the King of the sea monsters. Anyways they are going to act as guardians of my territory so I'll probably have to go alone and summon something new. By the way, I named my house Hunter making me Ryan Hunter.

I got out of the palace and flew over to Pentos. This is my chance to get Daenerys and also a mighty cavalry under my control. I arrived At Pentos in a matter of a minute and I could clearly see the gifting ceremony of Khal Drogo and Daenerys happening outside Pentos due to the massive size of the Drogo's khalasar. I descended down a further away from the group and summoned a horse for me a mighty eight-legged black horse. I rubbed its head and its neck to become familiar and with that soon I formed a bond and rune on my hand like a tattoo glowed signifying that the link had been done. I named him Storm and got on top of it and also created a sword as my main weapon for now and placed it on my back over my right shoulder and a scarf covering half my face wrapped around my neck.

With everything in place, I set off to crash a wedding. As we reached the group the Dothraki made way with fear of being trampled down by this mighty horse and horses started to neigh and make way showing their respect to their leader Storm. I rode straight through the group making a big commotion even getting noticed by Khal Drogo sitting at the center of the khalasar. I reached the center and made a few rounds in front of Khal Drogo and came to a halt after rearing in front of him. All the Dothraki and even Drogo were awed and mesmerized by the eight-legged majestic stallion. I climbed down from Storm and walked toward Drogo making his blood riders take out their swords and point at me.

The following conversation between Drogo and Ryan is in the Dothraki language.

Ryan: The Great Khal Drogo my name is Ryan Hunter I come from a far land. I am here today to challenge you for that woman and as well as you khalasar.

Drogo: I accept your challenge. I've been searching everywhere for such a mighty stallion and today you have brought it to me. You are going to lose as you are facing the Horse King himself.

Ryan: Well done if I win I will have that woman and your khalasar and you as my blood rider. If I lose you can have the stallion and even my life if you desire.

Drogo: I accept let the battle begin. 

Drogo and his blood riders shouted with excitement for the battle.

At this time Viserys and Illyrio were in distress with how things had suddenly happened. But still, Illyrio told Viserys with confidence that Drogo would win and there wouldn't be any problem with his deal. 

Daenerys view was different from theirs as she felt that god had heard her prayers and sent someone to rescue her but as the conversation happened she felt that she was not the priority of the unknown man but the Dothraki khalasar.

Jorah didn't have much interest in the battle but the identity of the unknown man interested him as he was sent to spy on the Targaryen brother and sister. The unknown man's interest in the Daenerys was what caught his interest.

Drogo walked toward me and stopped a few feet away and we both got into position. He was carrying two arakhs in each of his hands. It's a unique sword only dothraki's prefer it. I unsheathed my sword holding it in my right hand beside me with its tip pointing down. We observed each other for a few seconds and Drogo was not patient enough and rushed forward aiming for my head and stomach. I caught his hand that was aimed at my head blocked the other with my sword and used this moment and kick him in the chest making him step back a few feet. Drogo rushed again but this time as soon as he was in range I swung my sword breaking the sword in his right hand and sidestepped letting his pass by me but I caught his long hair and pulled him back with it making him loose his balance and was about to fall back down. At that moment I punched his chest with enough force making him smash the ground so hard that he caved into the earth. Instinctively his hand let go of his sword, coughed up blood rolled over, and got to his knees after a few minutes. Seeing that their khal was about to be defeated Drogo's blood riders rushed at me but with each swing, I cut them down whether it be a head, an arm, or a leg.

Drogo is a hard man to make him willingly submit to me and that is why I placed a slave seal on him when I hit him on the chest. I turned to Drogo and asked him whether he would submit or not. Drogo took the sword beside him, cut off his long hair, and raised it up showing his acceptance of his defeat. Then he slowly kneeled on his one knee and asked me to accept him as his blood rider. 

Ryan: I accept you can stand. 

Drogo: Yes!! blood of my blood. Khal Ryan Khal Ryan Khal Ryan....

As Drogo started shouting my name the shocked Dothraki also slowly came to realization and started shouting my name showing their acceptance. All the dothraki accepted me because I ride the eight-legged horse signifying my position as the chosen one of the Horse God.

I walked up to Daenerys and removed my scarf revealing my face and received a blush from her. I stood beside her pulled her close to me said to continue the wedding and sat down holding Daenerys close to me by her waist. Drogo sat beside the stairs guarding me and was given treatment by some female slaves. I looked at Illyrio and Viserys who seemed to want to say something but were afraid of what I'll do.

The following conversation is in the Common language.

Ryan: I'll help the Targaryen to conquer the seven kingdoms so don't worry. But first, we must take care of the spies.

Saying that I looked at Jorah. Jorah without any thought pulled out his sword and took Viserys hostage. Without giving him any time I threw my sword piercing him in the head and fell back leaving Viserys frightened. Illyrio thanked me and calmed Viserys.

I returned my hand back to its place looked at Daenerys and said, "It's time to consummate our marriage Daenerys."

I stood up and Daenerys also awkwardly stood up and followed me to the horses. I didn't take the white horse for Daenerys and lifted her up and placed her on mine and climbed behind her and rode off along the sea coast.