The Chains of Authority

Finally, Ser Barristan Selmy and I reached Astapor. The city, while impressive in its own right, lacked the grandeur of Meereen. Its streets were lined with shabby buildings, and the air was thick with the scent of salt and sweat. Despite its shortcomings, Astapor was known for one thing above all: its slave market. The city was infamous for its brutal trade in human lives, and we were here to make a crucial acquisition.

As we walked through the bustling marketplace, the sight of chained men, women, and children was a stark reminder of the grim reality of this place. The slave masters, clad in fine robes and exuding an air of authority, paraded their wares with pride. Each slave was displayed like a commodity, their strengths and attributes listed as if they were livestock. It was a disturbing spectacle, but one we could not ignore.

Our goal was clear: to find the most powerful and influential slave master in the city. After asking around and navigating the crowded streets, we were directed to a massive compound at the heart of Astapor. The structure was imposing, with high walls and guards at every entrance. This was the residence of Kraznys mo Nakloz, the most notorious of the Good Masters and the one who controlled the Unsullied.

Kraznys was known for his wealth and cruelty, traits that had earned him a fearsome reputation. As we approached, we were met by his servants, who escorted us into the lavishly decorated hall. The contrast between the opulence of Kraznys's surroundings and the squalor of the city outside was stark. The hall was adorned with rich tapestries and gold accents, a display of the wealth accumulated through the suffering of others.

As Ser Barristan Selmy and I entered Kraznys mo Nakloz's hall, we were greeted by the sight of Missandei standing beside him. She was poised and elegant, a stark contrast to the brutish demeanor of the Good Master. Her role as a translator became immediately apparent, as she began to interpret Kraznys's words from Valyrian to the common tongue for our benefit. It was clear that without her, communication would have been a challenge, as neither Ser Barristan nor I spoke Valyrian fluently.

Kraznys himself was a rotund man with a cruel smile. He greeted us with a mixture of curiosity and disdain, clearly sizing us up as potential customers. The negotiations began, with Kraznys extolling the virtues of the Unsullied—his elite slave-soldiers trained from birth to be obedient and lethal. As he spoke, I glanced at Ser Barristan, who remained impassive but alert. We both knew the importance of this meeting and the significance of what we were about to do.

Kraznys, with his usual arrogance, eyed us skeptically. He had heard of our intentions to purchase 20,000 Unsullied, but his mistrust was palpable. He questioned our ability to pay for such a vast number of elite soldiers, clearly doubting our resources. His demand for an upfront payment was both a test of our credibility and a means to cover the initial costs of gathering the required number of Unsullied from other slave masters.

Understanding the necessity of this transaction, Ser Barristan stepped out to retrieve a box from our carriage. The box contained 5,000 gold dragons—a substantial amount meant to prove our seriousness and financial capability. As he returned, Ser Barristan presented the gold to Kraznys, who eyed it with a mix of greed and satisfaction. The gesture seemed to appease him, as it demonstrated our commitment and the seriousness of our intentions.

I saw an opportunity not only to gain a valuable asset in her but also to test Kraznys's disposition. As Kraznys nodded approvingly at the gold, I seized the moment. "In addition to the soldier," I said, my tone even and respectful, "I would like to take Missandei with us now. As a gesture of your goodwill and trust in our cooperation, I believe her presence would greatly assist us in further negotiations and preparations."

Kraznys's eyes narrowed slightly, clearly taken aback by the request. Missandei, meanwhile, remained composed, her gaze steady. It was a bold request, but one that I hoped would appeal to Kraznys's vanity and greed. Offering Missandei as a "gift" could be seen as a display of generosity. After a moment of consideration, Kraznys nodded slowly. "Very well," he said, his voice laden with condescension. "Take her as a sign of my good faith. But remember, this is a one-time gesture. The rest of the payment will be due upon delivery of the Unsullied."

With the deal struck, Missandei was allowed to leave with us. As we exited the hall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The upfront payment had secured Kraznys's cooperation, and Missandei's presence would prove invaluable. She was more than just a translator; she was a potential advisor and confidante, someone who could help us navigate the treacherous waters of Essos.

As we made our way back to our quarters, I spoke with Missandei, learning more about her background and her perspective on the situation in Astapor. Her intelligence and insight were immediately apparent, and I knew that she would be a valuable ally in the challenges to come.

As we returned to our quarters with Missandei that evening, the night took an intimate turn. Missandei, eager to please, offered her companionship, and we indulged in each other's company. Her beauty and grace were intoxicating, and she proved to be as skilled in pleasure as she was in intellect. The night was filled with passionate moments.