The Serpent's Deal

After settling the Free Folk in the Shield Islands, Ryan took a moment to check on his secret: the enormous Godzilla-like beast, humorously named Kraken by Margaery Tyrell, that lurked beneath the waters of the archipelago. The Free Folk, having heard tales of such monsters, didn't question the occasional disturbances in the waves. His men would handle the minor matters of keeping its true nature hidden. Satisfied, Ryan turned his attention to his next task—Tyrion Lannister's trial in King's Landing.

In a heartbeat, Ryan teleported to his mansion in the capital, his feet landing softly on the marbled floor. The grand estate had been prepared just as he instructed before leaving for Highgarden. His guests, Prince Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand, would be arriving soon.

Moving through the halls, Ryan ensured everything was in place: food, wine, and an air of understated luxury. Oberyn's favor was essential for the plans to come, and Ryan needed to make the right impression.

Soon enough, Oberyn and Ellaria arrived. The Red Viper of Dorne, poised and charismatic, entered with a slight smirk. His paramour, Ellaria, exuded a sultry confidence as they settled into the warmth of the room. After pleasantries and casual talk about Dorne, Ryan made his move.

"As much as I'd love to continue discussing the beauty of your homeland," Ryan began, pouring them each a goblet of wine, "there's a matter we must discuss."

Oberyn raised a brow. "Matters of importance always follow a fine feast, it seems."

Ryan chuckled. "You see, Tyrion Lannister's trial is fast approaching. The court is prepared to throw him to the wolves. But what you may not know is that he will choose a trial by combat."

Oberyn's eyes gleamed with interest. "And who will stand as his champion? Surely, the Kingslayer will take his brother's side?"

Ryan shook his head. "Jaime will refuse. And so will Bronn, Tyrion's loyal sellsword. He'll have no choice but to find someone else willing to fight."

Ellaria leaned forward, intrigued. "And who will fight for Tywin's side?"

Ryan's smile widened, though his tone became more somber. "Gregor Clegane. The Mountain."

Oberyn's expression hardened instantly, his knuckles whitening around his goblet. Ellaria placed a hand on his arm, calming him.

"You want revenge for your sister and her children, Oberyn," Ryan said softly. "This is your chance. You can be Tyrion's champion. You kill Gregor Clegane in the trial by combat, and you'll have avenged Elia."

The room seemed to hum with tension. Oberyn was silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing. "And what of Tyrion?"

Ryan leaned back. "Tyrion will be found guilty regardless of the outcome. It is already set in motion. His fall paves the way for greater things… a life in Essos, where he will serve Daenerys Targaryen as her advisor. But as for you, you will be the hero of this tale—the man who avenged Dorne's greatest injustice."

Ellaria smiled darkly. "It's almost too perfect."

Oberyn's face lit with a dangerous smile. "The Mountain falls, and I secure justice for Elia. You've given me much to consider, Ryan."

Ryan raised his goblet. "Then we have an accord?"

After a pause, Oberyn clinked his goblet to Ryan's. "An accord, yes. Gregor Clegane will die by my hand."

With the deal struck, Ryan allowed the conversation to return to lighter topics. Yet beneath it all, the fate of Tyrion Lannister—and the Mountain—had been decided.

As they conversed, Ryan knew it was time to reveal a deeper truth. He had discussed Tyrion's trial and the opportunity for Oberyn to take his revenge, but there was a greater purpose. He leaned forward, his tone growing serious.

"Oberyn," Ryan began, "there's something else you should know. This isn't just about Tyrion or Clegane's death. The game we're playing goes far beyond King's Landing."

Oberyn raised an eyebrow, intrigued but cautious. "What more is there?"

Ryan nodded. "I'm not just here to stir up conflict. My second wife has a rightful claim to the Iron Throne."

Oberyn's eyes widened slightly, his attention locked on Ryan. Ellaria, too, was silent, her gaze intent.

"My second wife is Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen and the true heir to the Seven Kingdoms, with the support of her brother Viserys Targaryen" Ryan continued. "I've already fathered children with her, and together, we plan to claim what's rightfully hers. The Reach is already on our side. And now, I come to you, Prince Oberyn, because Dorne has always defied the Lannisters."

Oberyn blinked, absorbing the revelation. He began pacing, his mind clearly racing. "Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons… and you're her husband?"

Ryan nodded. "Yes. Our children are the blood of the dragon and the future of the realm."

Oberyn stopped pacing, a grin tugging at his lips. "This is… unexpected. You've certainly given me much to think about." His gaze sharpened. "What do you want from me? From Dorne?"

"I want Dorne's support for Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne," Ryan said without hesitation. "The Lannisters have ruled with fear. It's time for a new beginning, one that unites the realm under a just queen."

Oberyn exchanged a glance with Ellaria before sitting back down, deep in thought. "Dorne has always stood apart from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. But… Daenerys is different. She has dragons, a strength we cannot ignore."

"And with the Reach already backing her, her power will grow," Ryan continued. "All I ask is that you consider joining us when the time comes. With Dorne's support, the Lannisters will fall."

Oberyn leaned forward. "You're asking me to risk everything. But… your offer is tempting. Revenge for my sister, a chance to topple the Lannisters, and a new queen who could change everything."

Ryan smiled. "There's something more personal as well. You have a daughter, Nymeria Sand. She's strong and fierce—qualities I admire."

Oberyn's brow furrowed. "Nymeria? What about her?"

"I want to make her mine," Ryan said, his voice steady. "Not just as a political alliance, but because I see in her a strength that would make her a perfect companion. With Nymeria at my side, we can forge an unbreakable bond between our houses."

Oberyn paused, the room falling silent. Finally, a smirk tugged at his lips. "You certainly know how to make an interesting offer."

He glanced at Ellaria, who gave him a subtle nod. Oberyn's smile returned, wider this time. "You've given me much to think about, Lord Ryan. If Nymeria agrees, perhaps we can come to an understanding. And as for Daenerys… I think Dorne may find it in its heart to support her claim when the time comes."

Ryan nodded. "I look forward to the day we fight together, Oberyn. When the time comes, Dorne will rise with the dragons."

Ryan smiled. "And to show my sincerity, I've prepared a gift for you."

He signaled to one of his servants, who promptly brought in a long, slender box. Ryan opened it to reveal a magnificent spear, the metal gleaming even in the dim light. It was unlike any other weapon Oberyn had seen, made from a metal stronger than Valyrian steel and yet much lighter.

Ryan presented the spear to Oberyn. "This is forged from a metal that will make you deadlier than ever. Lighter than Valyrian steel, but just as strong—if not stronger. With this in your hand, not even the Mountain will stand a chance."

Oberyn's eyes widened as he ran his fingers along the shaft of the spear, feeling its perfect balance. He took it in hand, his grip firm, and twirled it effortlessly. The craftsmanship was impeccable.

Ryan leaned forward. "With that spear in your hand, you will deliver justice for Elia. You'll have your revenge."

Oberyn's smile returned, this time a dangerous one. "Gregor Clegane will fall."

Ellaria's eyes gleamed with approval as she watched her lover inspect the weapon. "A fine gift for a fine warrior."

With that, the foundation of a new alliance had been set—one that would soon shake the very foundations of Westeros.