The music video of smile

In the music Video, Chaeyoung was the first to appear and she was sad and she sang her part, then Ann appeared and sang her angelic voice. Perpetual appeared in black cloths cause her friend had died and she looks so unhappy, she also sang her part. Crystal sang the next part then the dancing part came where all of them were and they were dancing so beautifully with Ann and Sana saying the chorus. Then, Chaeyoung began to rap then Crystal also rapped then Ann rapped her part too, Mina began to sing her part passionately then, Sana sang her part then Perpetual sang hers. The chorus with some dance moves were sang by Perpetual and Mina. They all did a pose when the song ended

Mr. Seho clapped for them

Seho: Wow, you guys did so amazing and I loved it so much

The girls were so happy

They continued making more songs by making 4 songs to add to smile and they were Gone, I've been a bad girl, psycho and their top hit song Fireworks

Nayeon: You guys, have an interview next week with Miss. MC

Girls: Okay


The day of the interview came and they were so excited. Ann and Sana both wore tight skirts with nice tops, Ann had a straight hair and Sana had a ponytail. Perpetual wore a jeans knicker and a white top with her hair combed, Crystal had trousers on with a tee shirt and her hair was tied. Mina had knicker on with a tee shirt and her hair was curled, Chaeyoung had a skirt on with a yellow tee shirt on and her hair was brushed with a ribbon in

MC: Tonight, I have the Dreamypinky girls live here

The girls entered happily

Girls: Hello, we're the Dreamypinky girls

They said and sat down

MC: So, how do u feel to be here?

Crystal: To be honest, we're so happy to be here. This show was one of my favorite shows and it still is

MC: So, how do u guys feel to be kpop singers

Crystal: Great and so so excited

MC: Your latest song FIREWORKS has reached top 2 on the biggest billboard, how does it feel?

Sana: It feels so good to be on the billboard

MC: So, who's the eldest and who's the youngest among this group

Perpetual: I'm the youngest

Crystal: I'm the eldest, that's why I'm the leader

MC: Who's the most funniest and cutest in the group?

Mina: Jennie is the funniest in the group cos she says lots of jokes a lot. Chaeyoung is the cutest here

MC: I can even see that

Perpetual: Yeah, Chaeyoung is also funny too

MC: So, can u all tell me what type of guy that both of u wants

Crystal: I want someone who is hardworking and would communicate with me always

Perpetual: I want someone who would love me for who I am

Chaeyoung: I want someone cute like me

Ann: I want someone who understands love, I also want a tall man and handsome man too

Mina: I want a really handsome man who also sings

Sana: I want a guy who can really cook a lot and is easily to communicate with

MC: Okay