The Ghost Robbers

The servants quickly revived butler Frederic while hiding the mockery in their eyes. They must have thought that butler Frederic was too cocky when he said he could bring her back without begging her to come which must have resulted in Sonia's forceful abduction.

Frederic sighed and felt that he has aged a thousand years, never had he felt so humiliated before because of his bragging.

" it seems like only the soft method can work on that young lady, come let us go back to the village and bring our young lady back to Eros".

The servants and the butler took the carriage and went back to the village.

Meanwhile, Sonia came back to the village and was surprised to see the village chief treating her home as his own property and talking big about how generous she was to give him the house as a free gift.

Sonia did not say anything, she felt that getting angry with a fool will not do her any good, she still had a long life to live and did not want to die of cardiac arrest and just went inside the house took a broomstick out and began to chase everyone out of her compound.

There was a rain of ' Sonia it will not be well with you' ringing out loud in the compound.

After everyone was gone, Sonia went inside the house and began her morning chores.

The next morning, a haggard looking Frederic and the servants finally reached the village. When the village head saw them coming, he immediately ran away while shouting ghost ghost throughout his journey back to the village. Frederic became even more confused as the same scenario was happening every he goes. He became happy as he saw how the villagers abandoned their valuables and ran away, he and servants began their daylight robbery. The village chief went and reported this issue to the herbalist in the village who now summoned the youths and gave them a charm to captured the robber ghosts who were haunting the village and giving everybody a sleepless night. The robber ghosts were finally captured and tied up in the village square ready to be burned the next morning.

In the midnight, Sonia sneakily went up to the village square and released the butler and his servants. Butler Frederic knelt down and expressed his gratitude to her while also begging her to come back to the village. Sonia agree only with the promise of returning the stolen items.