
A few days have passed since Princess Yetsune and Erya snuck out of Aisin.

They covered the first part of their journey on horseback then they paid a merchant ship to help them cross the seas before embarking on the final part on foot.

Yetsune leans against an incline, her chest pressed against the rocky surface. Sweat beads glisten on her forehead, trailing down her face and dampening the loose strands of hair that escaped her ponytail. She had expected the journey to be arduous but not to this extent.

Her throat is parched, her skin marked with scratches and itching from contact with strange plants. Gasping for air, she musters the strength to continue scaling the hill only to have her foot slip from beneath her. Yetsune screams in fright as she tumbles down the hill.

"Your Highness!" Erya's piercing scream echoes through the mountains. She quickly rolls down and grabs her arm just before she hits her head on a rock.

After rescuing Yetsune rescue, Erya carries her on her back to ascend the hill and puts her down to sit when they reach a small flat surface. She tends to Yetsune's injuries using the meagre medical supplies tucked away in the cloth bag. Then she carries her on her back again to continue.

"I am sorry," Yetsune mutters.

"Have you forgotten that I am a skilled fighter? I can manage this much," Erya replies despite the strain evident in her laboured breathing.

The terrain finally levels out as they reach the summit. Erya gently sets Yetsune down, and they both stand Akimbo, their eyes sweeping across the panoramic view before them. "Where are we?" Yetsune breathes, her voice is filled with wonder and exhaustion.

Erya retrieves the worn-out map from the cloth bag. Her eyes dart across the parchment, tracing their journey. "If this is correct, we're on the outskirts of the capital," she answers with a hint of triumph in her voice.

"Velaris, the capital of Aushasal," Yetsune murmurs, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon where the city stretches across the landscape. Erya joins her, both transfixed by the sight. A miniature rendition of the capital lies miles away from their vantage point, teasingly out of reach.

Erya releases a long-held breath, relief flooding her features, their arduous journey has finally paid off. "Should we keep going or stop to rest?" she asks, worried that Yetsune might not have the strength to continue.

"Let's continue. Once we reach the city, we'll find a luxurious place to rest and a feast," Yetsune responds, her eyes gleaming with anticipation at the prospect of a fragrant bath, a plush bed, and a mouth-watering spread of food.

Erya looks at her as though she's delusional. "I'm afraid you can only do so in your dreams." Yetsune's radiant smile falters. "We missed the Emperor's entourage in Sidon due to our slow pace. These extra days have depleted our resources."

"What does that have to do with finding a nice place to rest and eat?" Yetsune asks, terrified all her fanciful imaginations might go to nought. The thought of the leisure they could enjoy in the capital is the only thing that kept her going after missing the entourage.

Erya sighs. "We've exhausted our funds on food and lodging. Even the money from selling our horses might barely cover a modest inn and a simple meal."

Realization dawns on Yetsune's face, her expression souring as her shoulders slump.

"We must hurry if we are to reach the capital before dark," Erya urges, her tone softening at Yetsune's crestfallen look.

Yetsune swallows hard, her parched throat a stark reminder of their dire straits. Visions of succulent roasted chicken and other delicacies evaporate like morning mist.

"Alright," she reluctantly accepts her fate knowing that there's no possibility of returning to Aisin now.

As they set off toward the distant city gates, Yetsune's mind wanders to the palace she left behind. Are her parents frantic with worry? Do the officials fret over her safety or the marriage alliance? Are Lord Azryn and Yettiri relentlessly searching for her while forsaking rest? Has the news of her disappearance reached the other Asana clans? Arya must resent her for dragging her sister into this mess.

Yetsune shakes her head to dispel the thoughts. If she wants to make the most of this adventure, she must be selfishly on herself and Erya only.

Hours of relentless trekking finally bring them within sight of Velaris's imposing gates. They halt, awestruck by the sheer magnitude of the spectacle before them. The capital's grand fortress looms majestically, its presence both intimidating and alluring. They've seen depictions in books but none have captured the overwhelming scale and grandeur of what stands before them now.

"Wow," Yetsune's mouth hangs open. The thrill she felt before the earlier disappointment returned. If the city walls are so towering and the gate so huge, then the city itself must be even bigger than she imagined.

They quickly join the long queue outside the city gate. Their eyes flit from face to face, taking in the merchant carriages and attempting to distinguish between Asana foreigners, other foreigners, and native Aushasalians.

Craning her neck, Yetsune strains to catch a glimpse of the proceedings ahead. "Your pass?" she overhears a gruff guard demand from a merchant. The trader produces a small wooden token, which the soldier inspects before stepping aside to allow entry.

"What's that?" Yetsune whispers to Erya, who responds with a shrug. They were hidden in the cart of a wine trader when they left Aisin, so they have no idea what a pass is.

Erya taps the shoulder of the man before them. "Pardon me, but what's that item for?" she inquires, gesturing towards his pass.

The man turns, eyeing them curiously. "It's an identification card. You need one to enter the city," he explains, his gaze lingering as if perplexed by their ignorance.

Yetsune and Erya exchange alarmed glances. They've journeyed so far, only to be thwarted by a wooden token? Missing entry today means losing their chance to intercept the Emperor's entourage.

Erya racks her brain for a solution. She leans in, whispering to Yetsune, who pulls back, confusion etched on her face. "Didn't you say we're short on money?"

"True, but I brought your hairpin… just in case," Erya admits, retrieving a green jade hairpin from their bag.

"Absolutely not!" Yetsune snatches it away, drawing curious glances. She forces a polite smile to deflect the attention.

"We have no choice," Erya urges in a hushed tone.

Yetsune clutches the hairpin protectively. "This is part of a pair Lord Azryn gave Yettiri and me. I can't part with it," she protests.

"Then we return to Aisin." Erya starts walking back. Yetsune grabs her wrist and pulls her back.

Pouting, she asks, "Must we really do this?"

Erya's solemn nod leaves Yetsune no alternative. Reluctantly, she surrenders the hairpin. Erya slips into the hand of the man before them, whispering into his ear. They stick close to the man until it is their turn to enter the city.

"Your pass?" the guard demands. The man presents him, but the soldier's eyes narrow at Yetsune and Erya. "And you two?"

Erya glances at their accomplice man. "These two are my sisters," the man improvises.

The guard eyes them suspiciously"Why don't they have passes?" Two more guards edge closer. "Are you sure they are your sisters? They look like foreigners," one raises doubt.

Panic surges through Yetsune and Erya. They hadn't considered the subtle differences between the facial features of Asanans and Aushasalians.

"My father recently got remarried to an Asanan woman. I'm escorting my new step-sisters," the man hastily explains, much to their relief.

The first guard persists, "That doesn't explain their lack of passes."

Nervous glances flicker between them. In Asana, royal family members and their aides only carry badges which they'd deliberately left behind to avoid exposing their plan.

Erya steps forward, her voice steady despite her racing heart. "I apologize. In our haste to depart, we accidentally left our passes behind." Their accomplice is visibly sweating now, she fears he might abandon them at this rate.

The guards step aside to confer in hushed tones, leaving Yetsune and Erya in agonizing suspense. Finally, they return to their posts. "You may enter," the first guard announces.

"Thank you," the three chorus, bowing deeply in profound relief.

Once they are inside and out of the guards' sight, they part ways with the man, hearts still pounding from their narrow escape into the city of Velaris.