Place of ill-repute

"Here, my dear," the Noble Consort offers Yetsune water. Attendant Nan and Nalan burst into laughter, sharing some inside joke.

"Her Highness sent me on an errand. I saw Yetsu hand-in-hand with a young man, though I couldn't see his face," Nalan responds with a teasing smile at Yetsune.

"We did nothing wrong, we only visited the House of Fragrance and—" Yetsune is cut off by with gasps and clattering utensils.

"House of Fragrance!" they exclaim. Yetsune looks bewildered while Erya looks ready to vanish into the ground.

"Didn't you deny entering there?" Nalan questions Erya, who awkwardly averts her gaze. had asked Nalan about the place out of sheer curiosity, only to be devastated to learn they had unknowingly entered such a scandalous place.

"It's where wealthy men seek entertainment," Nalan explains delicately seeing Yetsune look so oblivious.

Yetsune remains perplexed. "But I went for fun too. The ladies were so beautiful and graceful." Erya face-palms, wishing Yetsune would just keep her mouth shut.

"Silly girl, it's where men… enjoy female company," Attendant Nan clarifies hesitantly. 

"Oh!" Yetsune gasps, recalling something similar from a scandalous book that was banned in Asana. She drops to her knees, "I'm so sorry, Your Highness. I didn't know it was such a—"

"Place of ill repute," Nalan interjects.

Yetsune looks mortified. "Right. That."

The Noble Consort chuckles at Yetsune's innocence. "Don't fret, dear. You didn't know."

"Your Highness, what if she's recognized? It could affect her marriage prospects," Nalan worries.

"Nonsense," the Noble Consort scolds. "Who wouldn't want to marry such a lovely girl?"

Relieved that she hasn't taken offense, Yetsune sits down, her mind racing. 'Callan saw me there. What if he despises me now? But why was he there? 'Perhaps, like me, he was there for the food, music, and dance?'

After accompanying the Noble Consort in the garden, Yetsune meets up with Erya Nalan for a tour around the palace. Nalan turns out to be a natural guide, weaving through the labyrinthine hallways with ease and pointing out hidden gems along the way. 

She leads them to some of the most beautiful places in the palace, each one more breathtaking than the last. They marvel at the intricate carvings and the colorful tapestries that adorned the walls. They meet other palace maids and officials in the inner bureau, making new friends.

As they walk, they notice guards staring and discreetly passing notes to Nalan. It's evident that Nalan is quite popular among the palace men, her coy smiles and fluttering lashes melting hearts as she basks in the attention.

They are still teasing Nalan when she spots her former roommate. "Yulin!" she calls, catching the attention of a girl giggling with another maid. Yulin's face brightens upon seeing Nalan.

"Nalan!" she exclaims excitedly. The two rush to embrace.

After Nalan's assignment to the Moon Palace, Yulin was sent to Falcon Palace, the First Prince's residence. They pull apart, holding hands.

"The Falcon Palace has kept you so busy. It's been ages," Nalan remarks.

"The First Prince isn't easy to serve," Yulin responds. "He and the other princes are at the training field. I'm fetching refreshments."

Yetsune's eyes light up at the mention of the First Prince, her potential husband.

Nalan playfully taps Yulin's nose. "You still have a crush on the First Prince, don't you?" she teases.

Yulin smiles shyly. "I must go now."

Nalan reluctantly releases her. "We've barely met…"

"I'll try to seek you soon," Yulin promises, waving goodbye.

Nalan rejoins Erya and Yetsune. "I should have introduced you two," she says regretfully when she realises she had disregarded their presence.

"It's fine," Yetsune says, and suddenly links arms with Nalan, taking her aback. "Shall we visit the training field?"

"There is nothing to see there, it is just a bunch of princes and soldiers practicing martial arts," she nonchalantly responds, glancing around to check no one's heard her call the Princes 'a bunch'.

"Erya and I haven't seen the princes. Please?" Yetsune pleads, pouting cutely.

Nalan looks to Erya, who nods in agreement, curious about the First Prince herself. Perhaps he just might be charming enough to make Yetsune want the marriage. Resigning to their pleas, Nalan agrees to take them there. 

They arrive at a vast field, guarded by soldiers then they take cover behind a pillar at a distance. In the center of the field are two young men dressed training suit sparring with a number of soldiers in armor. each other. On the dias are two princely looking young men. One seems to be focused on reading a book, the other practicing archery.

Yetsune and Erya squint at the archer, finding him familiar.

"Isn't that the rogue?" Erya whispers.

"He is!" Yetsune exclaims loudly. Nalan quickly pulls them out of sight, but it's too late. The guards have already spotted them.