Fool in love

Sersi catches her just in time, one arm beneath her bust. Yettiri glances down, acutely aware of the placement of his hand.

"Your hand…"

Sersi turns her over, securing her waist with his other hand. "Are you alright?" he asks, gaze flitting between her eyes.

"I—" She opens her mouth to respond, but the words catch in her throat.

She finds herself momentarily lost in his gaze, her heart thundering in her chest. The warmth of his hand seeps through her clothes, sending a tingle down her spine. She looks away, fluttering her lashes in an effort to come back to her senses. But she finds her gaze drawn to his again, a blush coloring her cheeks.

Sersi's brows furrow, his concern growing with each passing seconds of silence. "Yetti—Your Highness?" His voice cuts through her haze.

Yettiri hastily pulls herself up, fumbling to brush stray hairs from her face. "You may leave," she mumbles, averting his gaze.