To dream of colour

Carl used his shoulder to ram through the door, which swung open, as he quickly sprinted through and up the stairs, immediately heading through the only door that was open and screaming as he made his way through.


The first thing he saw was a puddle of black and white liquid on the floor next to the bed, which expanded and faded away as if it never existed in the first place. There was a moment of silence as Carl stood in the doorway, and soon it became a roaring rage as Carl slammed his arms against the walls and bed, threw the pillows around, and finally ended up as a sobbing mess on the floor. Torturous thoughts of his failure to save his friend constantly fired throughout his mind, and eventually everything faded to black as he shut down from the tremendous grief.

The next morning came, or what could only be assumed to be morning with the lack of light, but it was quite hard to tell. Carl awakened from his slumber and rose to his feet. He slowly stumbled his way back out the door, down the stairs, and out the entrance of the house. He sat around about 20 feet away from the building and laid against an angelic tree of pristine white colouring.

"Again. It happened again."

Carl glanced over at the other houses, both big and small. They once held magical memories, but now items were scattered about and the land was overgrown. This sight was the final straw, and Carl knew he had to leave. It may not be better out there in the wider world, but hanging about and wallowing in despair won't get him anywhere either.

He quickly walked over and into his humble abode and packed what he could into his black and originally leather backpack, which from the bottom dripped black liquid. Carl walked in front of a mirror that reflected a person of two colours, the primordial black and white. He stared blankly at the glass and felt an intense yearning to throw his fist and shatter the damn thing, but calmed himself down and walked out of the structure, which he had been calling home for many years now.


He spoke in a sombre tone towards his home before turning his back on it and walking. He walked past the grassy roundabout that had been near the homes for many years and did not speak as he continued to walk onward.

He noted that there was an abundance of garbage, plant life, and many puddles of black and white liquid spilled across the pavement. This was another reminder of what had happened only a year ago when that thing tore the sky apart and stole all the colours of the universe besides black and white. Yes. Some thought it was a prank, a movie, or just ignored it, but soon it became quite clear that peace was not something that thing had in mind, and soon the world went mad and the reality we once knew had become a nightmarish fiction.

Along with itself, that thing also brought along its children or its soldiers; honestly, even now, it's difficult to tell what they mean to it. One thing is certain, however: the things that it brought were not friendly and were always hungry.

He stopped in his tracks suddenly. He was near a few stores, and cars littered the area. He snuck over, bent down, and hid behind a rather small car. He peeked around the corner and saw three adult lion-sized creatures that had eight legs, four arms on the sides of their bodies, and a head that was a circular shape with mouths dotted across the surface.

The things were composed of a black mass, and a black liquid dripped from their very beings. They were currently viciously biting down on what seemed to be 2 or 3 people, and Carl watched horrified and felt guilt as there was nothing he could do.

He would pass by the creatures quietly as they happily had their meal.

"This was it."

He thought to himself. This was the end.