Brooklyn police department

inside the building had gathered a magnitude of officers, who were called in by the police captain .

okay ladies and gentlemen i want this operation clean and smooth as possible, it's success would mean that the foot we lose one of its major supporters, this information came from a secret government agency which gave us enough evidence to Boston the entire stockman industries for good."the captain informed them of source.

but as the captain was discussing a plan of attack, a police officer rushed into the meeting hall with a frightened expression ," it is not good sir the foot clan are whole converging at stockman industries and have set a defense perimeter the building, making it near impossible for as to close in on them.

WHAT!!!!?, how is that possible, the information came directly from the higher up , so it is impossible for them about the operation. ""captain looked shocked as he was staring at the officer ,who was having trouble catching his breath,"" DAMN IT, I WANT EVERY SINGLE OFFICER ON OR OFF DUTY ON SITE NOW, before this whole situation goes way out of control, and issue that entire city block to evacuate, we don't want any civilians getting caught in a cross fire,

Chao's erupted as all the officers started scrambling for ammunition, bulletproof, weapons and anything they could get their hands on, among them was arthur's dad and his partner.

well this mission just got alot hard." James said to his partner"".

tell me about it, I still don't understand how they got the information of today's operation, wasn't it top secret."Matthews couldn't help but voice out his thoughts"".

maybe it wasn't top secret enough to be a secret ." James then remember telling his family before leaving the house , but shook it away trusting his family." now let's go take down same ninjas.

the whole police force was rushed to stockman industries with one goal to stop the foot clan.


inside the building was a small laboratory were a a black middle-aged man with an afro-hair style, was working tirelessly around the room, with a crazy like look on his face.

stockman, you better speed up the process of making the toxin ,"the man now identified as the founder of stockman industries, baxter stockman, turned his head to find the shredder entering the laboratory . " we don't have the time nor luxury to be patient, police will be here soon,

Lord shredder, you're here i have been looking for you, wait did you just say police are coming, " stockman was excited to him and was about to report is progress, only to stop after he registered what shredder said." why, when I am so close to a major breakthrough.

silence stockman , what I want to know is have you finished preparing the toxin," shredder inquired as he reached his left hand out, grabbing stockman by the coller ." I remember telling you to focus only on making the toxin, not on your so called possibilities.

the toxin will be ready in two hours, that harb is truly amazing," stockman still had an excited expression on his face even when he's being hailed by the coaller." you have to let me continue my research,I beg you please lord shredder.

I don't care about that ,just finish the toxin on time or else , "shredder said while blades imaged from his right hand , before he tossed stockman to floor.

shredder then heard the sound of sirens coming from outside the building, walking towards the nearby window and saw a magnitude of officers flooding in on stockman industries. " let them come in two hours time I will have complete control of this entire city and they shall be the first to fall.


in a small neighborhood, they was a small construction site, but the building that was being constructed had collapsed in , leaving nothing but broken bricks and lable, but if you look closely on a specific spot, you shall see the broken bricks moving from time to time, before a hand imaged from the lable , until somebody crawled out of the remains of the collapsed building, the person was having a hard time breathing and tried walk only stumbled and fell down, causing to rolling round this small hill of broken bricks before reaching the ground.

arthur do know how you close to dying you had been, had i not unsealed some of your power ,"ancestor tang imaged from person struggling to stand up , was reviewed to be arthur who survived being buried alive." and another problem is that you had informed shredder of the law in forcers plan arrest his associate.

arthur's opened his eyes wide upon that revelation,

which means shredder got back in time to defend against the police,so the should be an all out war happing right now as we speak,"ancestor tang analyzed the situation."and another thing his shredder wants to poison the whole city.

what!!?why would he poison the city.

I'm sure you heard him to about him being immune , add every information we have the the potent substance in the canister and the poison herb." ancestor tang pointed out the key points.

no!!! we have to stop him,"arthur said while trying to stand up.

not we, but YOU alone , you will need to learn to do things on your own, I will not always be here to tell what to do ." ancestor tang said planning not to be involved.

this whole situation started, because i underestimated shredder, which caught me off guard," arthur said after managing to get back on his feet." it's all happing because of me, I have to fix it myself.

it's good that you know how to take responsibility of your actions ,"ancestor tang smiled gently with a satisfied expression with his successors character," now let's go get some payback, my dear disciple.

" yes sir"

with the goal of correcting his mistakes and getting some payback in mind, arthur started walking away with a limping leg, out of the destroyed building's remains.

why haven't i seen a single person in the streets, but can definitely feel them inside the buildings ,," two minutes after leaving the destroyed building, arthur found the streets empty with not a single soul in site.

"the police must have ordered the people to stay indoors or evacuate , but most of them seem to have evacuated,"ancestor tang guessed the reason."

arthur was even more determined to take down shredder, suddenly his super hearing pickup sounds of gunfire and explosive going off in a distance, turning his head to the location of source, what was smoke rising in the air from the location of the gunfire.

it seems the situation is more serious than we thought."ancestor tang said with a serious expression on his face." arthur you have to get their fast and remember when you face the shredder again, this time don't hold back.

trust me, I will not be holding back anything,"arthur said with a determined face before he started running slowly towards the war with his limping leg , gradually started to stop limping while picking up speed , eventually stopped limping and started running at super human speed before he sky rocketed into the air.


two hours, just two hours that has made new York's finest feel like it has been two years, not only have they failed to defeat the foot clan, but are also being suppressed by the heavy artillery of the foot clan, not giving them a chance to advance forward at all.

Jesus Christ , just how in hell did the get their hands on so many heavy caliber weapons," Matthews couldn't help but complain about their bad position, there were in to James , who was in some sort of trance, while they where trying to hold the premeter , because it is the only thing they can do." hey James are you okay buddy.

....,"James just stood still without answering.

"hey James did you hear me "


JAMES!!!! " Matthews proceeded to slap James on the face," what the hell is going on with you, get your head in the game.

I sorry about that, i just can't stay focused, not knowing where my son is with all these chaos happening." James said while rubbing his face,he had received a call from his wife that she could not found where their son." I should be out there searching for him.

..., look i don't know what to tell you,all I can say is the sooner we end this madness , the easier it will be to found your son, "Matthews adviced his partner. " and he might be at a SafeZone,

you are right, let's finish this , so i can go find my boy , "James reloaded his guns with a new found resolve.


James and all the officers near by heard a very familiar sound above their heads, some of the officers started to tear up , while some smiled knowing the tables are about to turn in their favor.


master shredder the toxin is ready, " stockman carefully presented the impatiently waiting shredder with a glass vial that was containing a green liquid inside.

and how am i going to spread it throughout the city, "shredder as he closely inspected the vial," do i just crush it .

NO!!!! don't , I know the herbs poison alone is contagious but is not airborne, the real reason your men dead is because the made direct contact so did you, but you because you ingested the fruit on it, not only did it cure you make you immune, it made you the carrier of the only vaccine in the world , "stockman explanation made shredder remember touching the Vine like roots inside the tomb, " and if people get their hands on you blood, the can engineer a cure, like we did for your foot soldiers but with the canisters substances we can make it airborne, so if you break it now, it would only infect the people of this city, which is why I built a small tower on top the building , specifically made to launch the toxin straight into the atmosphere ,which in the end will make it the spread cross the nation, maybe even beyond,

stockman you have gone above and beyond my expectations, you shall be rewarded greatly for contribution ," shredder said very satisfied with the results," so with this city after city, nation after nation then the world, shall all answer to me,

shredder then started to walk out the labor not before staring at the herb which was in a glass cylinder with some sort of green solution, for a moment, then proceeded to leave the room, he entered the elevator , which took him straight to the top of the building, walking out of the elevator he found the tower stockman was talking about , after walking to it he then inspected the control system and a compartment, shredder proceeded to insert the glass vial inside the compartment, he then entered some codes at the control system, which then said the launch will commence in 8 minutes and 45 second's .

upon seeing this shredder took of his helmet and lifted his head to the sky while smiling victorious at the success of his plan,


shredder then heard a big explosion on the battlefield and went near the edge of the roof to investigate the cause, but what he saw below the battlefield left him infuriated beyond words,