The Reboot

Struggling game developers were a dime a dozen online, most of them working on their magnum opus between shifts at the local gas station mini mart. So Roy found one, Frank. He just picked him out of obscurity. Frank was the right mix of desperate and doofus willing to say and do anything for a couple extra bucks.

And he fell right in line as expected, delivering stupid little games with dumb, generic names like:

Eevee's Quest

Quaxly's Air Adventure

Sprigatito's Funland

Bad games with even worse graphics. But it got the job done.

People were suddenly talking about the clues inside of these games, searching for the hidden lore. They were actively making jokes about dead kids at restaurants. Liko's twisted history of serial murder had suddenly been reduced to a mere novel mystery to be solved.

The plan had worked. Spriggy was suddenly more popular than ever.

Things were going shockingly well. Roy's reboot of the franchise was full and complete. Suddenly infused with cash, he built the largest and most ambitious project yet: Sprigatito's Mega Pizza Emporium.

Liko had always been so visionary, but always thought so small scale. She was careful to a fault. Not Roy, though. He knew this latest project had to be big. It needed to be flashy. A palace for children, a place that got people talking and checking out the latest in Spriggy products.

So, with a steady supply of souls flowing in, it was finally time. The stage was set. It was time to get to Roy's real goal, literally rebuilding a family.