M-My Blessing! It didn’t work!

As the chant ended, Vaan noticed all that strange energy rushing into Alaric's body, with his blessing working, Alaric prepared to take a risk, rush towards Elara, and end the battle, 

But suddenly, 




The three little spirits flying near Vaan flew towards Alaric. Vaan frowned in confusion, he wanted to stop the three of them, worried that they might get heard, but he soon recalled that the Spirits couldn't interact with the entities of the world other than him and couldn't be harmed by anything since all of this would simply pass through their bodies. 

But suddenly, Vaan saw something surprising. 

The Spirits flew right next to the whirlpool of energy that was rushing into Alaric's body and, 


As the eldest Sister, Flamey stepped forward, opened her mouth wide open and…