Why is the girl coming here?


Octavius raised his eyebrow as he glanced at Orion. He felt that he misheard Orion just now, however, 

"Astra Elysia Vesta seeks permission to enter the Agresia Academy." 

Orion repeated his words and Octavius finally realized that he didn't mishear anything. 

"Why does that girl want to come here?" 

He questioned with an annoyed look on his face. 

No, it wasn't because he didn't like Astra, other than him 'stealing' his son and distracting him from his path to become the strongest, he actually liked the girl since she was ambitious, smart, and strong. 

Honestly, Octavius couldn't have been more proud if someone like Astra was his daughter, and having her as his daughter-in-law felt great as well. 

The problem here was the excessive amount of paperwork he would need to go through to allow Astra's entry.