
In an instant, anger overwhelmed rationality. Min Nan rushed forward and punched Wu De until he curled up and rolled on the ground, wailing in pain.

After that, Min Nan held onto Ye Ling. Seeing that her face was pale and her hair was disheveled, he felt heartache and guilt for a moment.

It was all his fault. He should have stayed to protect her. He never expected Wu Bai and Wu De to be so audacious, daring to snatch someone away from the clinic in broad daylight.

How could this Wu Bai be a civilian officer who served the people? He was a local tyrant who abused his power!

Min Nan looked up and gave Dai Wei a meaningful look, "I'll leave this matter to you. Make sure you handle this Wu Bai and Wu De properly!"

Dai Wei's forehead started to sweat. Although Min Nan was his childhood friend, their current positions were incomparable. Min Nan exuded an aura of authority that made him feel somewhat nervous.

Dai Wei regained his composure and looked at Wu Bai and Wu De. Even without Min Nan overseeing it, he had to enforce the law impartially in his jurisdiction when incidents like this occurred.

Min Nan helped Ye Ling to sit on a hospital bed. She raised her head, glancing at Min Nan.

The policeman before her had deep and resolute eyes, and his facial features were sharp. Though incredibly handsome, his aloofness emitted an invisible sense of pressure that made Ye Ling quickly lower her head.

Ye Ling had a fearful expression on her face. To Min Nan, it was because she had been frightened by this incident. He instantly felt even more guilty. If he had not left the clinic, she would not have been bullied by those b*stards!

"It's alright now. Don't be afraid." Min Nan tried to soften his voice, but to Ye Ling, the man's tone still sounded very cold and distant.

Ye Ling nodded gratefully and clenched her fists, looking up at Dai Wei. She voiced her complaint loudly and angrily, "Officer, as you saw, Wu Bai, the captain of Stone Village, and his nephew, Wu De, tried to forcibly drag me away and prevent me from calling for help. Before that, Wu De even attempted to assault me. Please punish them severely according to the law!"

Min Nan initially thought Ye Ling was already scared, but seeing her fiercely fighting for justice, he sensed the strong determination and courage beneath her petite frame.

His impression of Ye Ling shifted, and a hint of admiration appeared in his eyes.

Hearing Ye Ling's accusation, Dai Wei looked coldly at Wu Bai and Wu De. "Do you have anything to say?"

"Officer, it's not like that! Ye Ling and I were freely expressing our love. Being intimate in the reeds was just a little fun between lovers. What's the big deal?" Wu De shamelessly argued.

Ye Ling spat out fiercely. "Bullsh*t. With your character, could I ever be interested in you? If it weren't for you, Wu Bai, and your mother forcing me, I wouldn't have jumped into the river! Officer, I was almost forced to my death by them!"

"It's true that Ye Ling jumped into the river. What else do you have to say?" Dai Wei said coldly. "Wu De, Wu Bai, come with me to the police station!"

Wu De and Wu Bai's faces instantly turned pale, and cold sweat trickled down their foreheads. Only then did Wu De feel afraid, while Wu Bai's body was trembling, afraid that he would lose his position as captain.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Lin Fang panicked. She immediately fell to the ground and rolled around. "This is outrageous! The police are assaulting innocent people! It was Ye Ling, that despicable woman, who seduced my son. How can you believe her words? Taking away my son, you want my life! I don't want to live anymore!"

Dai Wei's face darkened. He was familiar with the theatrics some rural women employed, but unfortunately, such tactics held no ground in the face of the law.

"Lin Fang, I advise you not to obstruct us in carrying out our duties. Otherwise, you'll be taken away as well!" Dai Wei's voice carried a strong sense of authority.

Lin Fang saw that it was useless for her to make a scene. She sat on the floor and cried while scolding Ye Ling. She said all kinds of vulgarities. Every word she said contained words like reproductive organs. Min Nan frowned when he heard that.

"Take her away!" Dai Wei ordered another police officer.

After Lin Fang was dragged away, Dai Wei and the other officer prepared to take Wu De and Wu Bai to the police station. Before leaving, Dai Wei glanced at Min Nan and coughed. "You stay here and handle the aftermath."

Dai Wei could tell that Min Nan's attitude towards Ye Ling was very unusual!

He had never seen Min Nan so concerned about a woman. Could it be that he had developed feelings for her?

No, that couldn't be. After all, Min Nan had instructed him to keep the fact that he had saved Ye Ling a secret. He probably just had a favorable impression of her.