
Liu Lin was becoming anxious. She had originally wanted to ask some questions about Min Nan, but she was afraid that Ye Ling would notice something.

Yesterday, Liu Lin was also at the clinic. At first, she didn't recognize Min Nan, who was wearing a police uniform, and Min Nan didn't notice her either. It was only when Min Nan threw a punch at Wu De that Liu Lin recognized him.

Liu Lin was shocked because she knew that Min Nan was not a police officer but a soldier.

Why would Min Nan impersonate a police officer?

Liu Lin was a clever person, and combined with her deep understanding of Min Nan, she quickly speculated on the reason.

Min Nan saved Ye Ling when she jumped into the river and brought her to the clinic. However, Min Nan had a reserved personality and didn't like getting involved in troublesome matters, so he left immediately afterward, not wanting Ye Ling to know his true identity.

Thinking about this, Liu Lin felt both relieved and worried. She was relieved that Min Nan didn't immediately fall for Ye Ling's exceptional beauty, but she was worried because Min Nan had returned later!

It was certain that Min Nan had helped Ye Ling report to the police, and he might have been concerned and followed her.

What did this mean? Did it mean that Min Nan was starting to care about Ye Ling?

Liu Lin was almost driven mad by jealousy and resentment. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. Taking advantage of the lack of attention, she quickly left along the hospital corridor, staying out of Min Nan's sight.

She couldn't let Min Nan see her!

Later, Liu Lin heard that Wu De and Wu Bai had been taken away by the police. She had originally wanted to go to the clinic to find out more, but she was afraid of running into Min Nan who hadn't left yet. She had no choice but to return to the dormitory and thoroughly erase any traces of her plans.

There shouldn't be any problems. Even if the police knew that she was Ye Ling's roommate and had suspicions, they wouldn't find any evidence!

But what about Min Nan? Could it be that he had genuinely developed feelings for Ye Ling?

Liu Lin raised her head and saw Ye Ling, who was as stunning as a movie star. A sense of crisis continuously rang alarm bells in her heart.

No, Min Nan belonged to her. No one could take him away!

Liu Lin pretended to console Ye Ling for a while, and Ye Ling also pretended to be tired, saying she wanted to freshen up and go to bed.

Walking to her desk, Ye Ling turned her head and saw that Liu Lin had already closed the mosquito net and was lying on the bed. Feeling at ease, Ye Ling began to inspect the items on her desk.

She checked the desk and found nothing out of the ordinary.

Then, she glanced at her water cup.

The cup was empty, there was nothing inside.

Ye Ling furrowed her brow, feeling that something was amiss.

After Ye Ling died, she returned to the time when she first arrived in Stone Village at the age of nineteen. She couldn't remember many things clearly and couldn't recall what she had done before going to the reed marsh. However, Ye Ling knew she had a peculiar habit.

Her habit was that she didn't like finishing her drinks and would always leave a little bit behind.

So logically, there should have been some water left in her cup. Why was the cup now empty?

Did someone pour out the water from her cup? Or was there something wrong with the water she had in the cup?

Ye Ling felt a chill run down her spine, and her body trembled.

She didn't show any signs of unease and quickly averted her gaze, pretending that nothing had happened, and lay down on her bed.

In the afternoon, someone knocked on the door of her dormitory. After opening the door, a friendly-looking old man in his sixties appeared, "I'm looking for Ye Ling!"

Ye Ling was a little puzzled when she saw the village chief. "Village chief, what's the matter?"

"There are two things," the village chief said.

He gestured with his eyes, indicating they should talk somewhere else, and Ye Ling followed him to a tree outside the educated youth's dormitory.

"The first thing is that the village is planning to build a new pharmacy. Would you like to be the pharmacy manager? If you're interested, I can help you fill out the application form and write you a recommendation letter."

Ye Ling was surprised. Pharmacy manager? That was a great job! If she became the pharmacy manager, she wouldn't have had to continue working in the production team. She could earn work points by sitting in an office.

But how could such a good opportunity come to her?

Ye Ling remained composed and asked, "What's the other thing?"

"The other thing is that Officer Dai came to see me and asked me to temporarily change your place of residence. How about you move out of the educated youth dormitory and live in the dormitory of the publicity department in Willow Village production team?" the village chief explained.

Ye Ling was even more surprised. Move?

After contemplating for a moment, she guessed that Officer Dai Wei suspected her accident was related to her roommate, so he made this arrangement.

Officer Dai was truly considerate. One Officer Dai was worth more than a hundred Wu Bai.