
Not long after, the midwife finally arrived. Sun Li followed the midwife into the room and began to prepare for labor. Aunt Hua's painful cries suddenly sounded, and Ye Ling could not bear to hear them.

It was too difficult and dangerous for a woman to give birth. Fortunately, she was still far away from giving birth...

Ye Ling's mind wandered. After some time, she finally heard the cry of a baby.

The child was born!

The midwife emerged from the room, cradling the baby in her arms, and congratulated Aunt Hua's husband. "Both mother and child are safe. It's a boy. It wasn't an easy delivery!"

Aunt Hua's husband beamed with joy.

The midwife then turned her gaze to Ye Ling, her expression filled with admiration. "Young girl, did you help stop Aunt Hua's bleeding? You're truly skilled. Thanks to you, Aunt Hua and her child are safe."

The midwife noticed the large bloodstain on the bedsheets and realized just how perilous the situation had been before she arrived.

Ye Ling shyly smiled and didn't say much.

Sun Li cleaned her hands and placed the baby on the bed. She walked over to Ye Ling, her face beaming, and said, "Lingling, why don't you take a look at Aunt Hua and advise her on what medicine to take and how to nourish her body? We'll follow your guidance!"

Ye Ling nodded in agreement. "Okay, let me take a look."

Once Ye Ling entered the room, Sun Li turned to Aunt Hua's husband, glaring at him. "You were doubting Lingling earlier. Thanks to her, you've saved a substantial amount on medical expenses. You should express your gratitude to her later!"

Aunt Hua's husband quickly nodded in agreement. "Of course. Sister Sun, thank you as well. If it weren't for your acquaintance with Doctor Ye, my wife, and child would have been in danger."

"You still have a conscience," Sun Li remarked, her voice filled with pride. "But this time, Lingling deserves most of the credit."

Hearing this, Aunt Hua's husband looked puzzled. "Sister Sun, isn't this Doctor Ye a knowledgeable young person from the city? How do you know her?"

"It's our Min Nan who knows her. They..." Sun Li paused for a moment, considering her words. "They are good friends."

"Oh, I see."

At noon, Sun Li prepared the meal, and Ye Ling had lunch at Aunt Hua's house.

After the meal, Aunt Hua's husband handed Ye Ling a bag of white flour, a bag of cornmeal, and a stack of food exchange tickets, expressing his gratitude. "Doctor Ye, thank you for saving my wife and child. Please accept this as a token of appreciation."

Ye Ling hurriedly waved her hand and was about to refuse when Sun Li immediately interjected, "Lingling, just accept it. Otherwise, he won't be able to sleep well at night."

Ye Ling hesitated for a moment, then took a few food exchange tickets without asking for anything else.

Aunt Hua's husband grew a bit anxious, about to persuade Ye Ling to accept the other items, but Ye Ling spoke up, "Uncle, I won't accept anything else, but I have a favor to ask of you."

"What favor?" Aunt Hua's husband looked bewildered and asked.

"Uncle, I suppose you often go up the mountain, don't you?" Ye Ling asked, receiving an affirmative response. She continued, "Could you keep an eye out for any precious herbs on the mountain? Or if you have any channels to acquire rare herbs, please let me know. Oh, and I don't want them already processed, I prefer fresh ones."

Willow Village was surrounded by mountains, and besides their agricultural work, the villagers often went hunting or sought out valuable herbs to supplement their income.

Aunt Hua's husband was no exception, he was considered a semi-professional hunter and also knew people who sold herbs.

"No problem. If I hear anything, I'll inform Sister Sun, and she can pass on the message to you, Doctor Ye," Aunt Hua's husband replied, seeing it as a way to repay Ye Ling for her help.

"Thank you," Ye Ling nodded. She then added, "You don't need to address me as Doctor Ye. I don't have a medical license, so I can't be called a doctor. Just call me Lingling, Uncle."

Seeing Ye Ling's friendly demeanor, Aunt Hua's husband smiled warmly, "Alright, Lingling. If there's anything else you need help with, just let me know!"

That night, when Min Nan returned home, he learned from Sun Li about Ye Ling's efforts in saving Aunt Hua. Though he hadn't witnessed it firsthand, Sun Li's account conveyed the urgency of the situation.

Ye Ling's performance surprised Min Nan, yet at the same time, it seemed fitting. He had long known that this young girl was remarkable.