Soaking Feet

Ye Ling lay on Min Nan's back. Though it wasn't her first time being carried by Min Nan, she still felt a bit nervous. Along the way, she looked around cautiously, afraid of being seen by others.

Fortunately, it was noon and the sun was shining brightly, so there weren't many people walking on the main road. Soon, Min Nan and Ye Ling arrived at the entrance of the house.

Just as Ye Ling was about to hop down from Min Nan's back, he pushed open the courtyard gate and carried her inside.

Wan Hai had already returned home and was sitting at the table, eating the wild boar meat that Wan Feng had brought back. Wan Feng and Wan Xue were seated nearby. The three brothers had been chatting when they suddenly heard the sound of the courtyard gate being pushed open. They looked up and saw Min Nan walking in with Ye Ling on his back.

For a moment, all three brothers were taken aback.