You Catch

However, perhaps because of the deep emotional scars, Ye Ling felt that the loofah vine resembled a twisting snake.

During dinner, Min Nan vaguely sensed that Ye Ling's demeanor was off. Her expression seemed distant, and her complexion was paler than usual.

But apart from that, he didn't detect anything out of the ordinary.

For the following days, Ye Ling went to Auntie Tan's doorstep every afternoon, accompanying her to the fields and watching her catch snakes.

To avoid Auntie Tan's disapproval, Ye Ling even sent some fresh vegetables to her. Auntie Tan neither accepted nor declined them, so Ye Ling left the vegetables at Auntie Tan's kitchen entrance.

During these days, Ye Ling noticed that most of the snakes Auntie Tan caught were nonvenomous. However, occasionally, Auntie Tan would also catch venomous snakes. When dealing with the venomous ones, Auntie Tan became more serious and cautioned Ye Ling to keep her distance.