Sister He

Yun Jie pointed in the direction of the consultation room on the right and said," We were both ordinary pharmacy administrators. Strictly speaking, we couldn't treat patients and get medicine for them. Only doctors could do that. However, our village was relatively poor. There were two doctors who studied Western medicine at the clinic, but there were no doctors who studied traditional Chinese medicine.

"Sister Gao had already gone to find someone willing to come to the pharmacy to be a doctor. It's such a big pharmacy, so it's more formal to have someone to see the doctor. Otherwise, the villagers would think that our pharmacy was not as strong as the clinic. It's just that outsiders didn't want to come to such a poor place like our village, so after so many days, Sister Gao still hadn't found a suitable person."

Ye Ling sorted out the messy herbs in the bag and nodded, indicating that she was listening to Yun Jie.