Thinking and planning

Within the span of a mere five minutes, I had not only encountered the harrowing presence of the golem but also tasted the bitter embrace of death itself. And yet, I was inexplicably revived, brought back from the brink of eternal darkness. My mind was in disarray, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what had transpired. Physically, I felt strangely intact, although the lingering presence of the enigmatic slime reminded me of my transformed state.

Compelled by curiosity, I turned to the blue screen once more. To my surprise, the number of skills at my disposal had increased to a total of ten. Wait, hadn't it been nine just moments ago? Among the newly acquired skills was one called "Aura."

Intrigued by its mysterious nature, I decided to activate the Aura skill. As I did so, I noticed a subtle shift in the environment around me. It was as if an invisible force emanated from my being, causing entities within a limited radius to instinctively retreat. Although the effects seemed relatively minor at its current level, I couldn't help but speculate that with each subsequent use, the power of this skill would grow, unveiling its true potential.

Growing tired of the relentless pursuit by the golem, I decided it was time to confront it head-on. Setting up a concealed fire array amidst a cluster of five trees, I formulated my plan.

Instructing my slime companion to detach from my right arm, it complied, allowing me more freedom of movement. Utilizing my mental connection with the slime, I directed it to devour the ground beneath us, guiding its digging efforts to create a carefully crafted trap.

To my surprise, I discovered that I had gained a new skill, aptly named "Digging." It seemed that my slime possessed abilities beyond mere transformation and absorption. Chuckling to myself, I marveled at the unexpected growth of my powers.

As the golem drew nearer, its thunderous footsteps shaking the ground, I positioned myself on the opposite corner of the trap, ready for its approach. Oblivious to the imminent danger, the golem charged towards me.

With a deafening crash, the golem fell into the pit, ensnared by my well-executed trap. Although trapped, it could still swing its massive limbs in an attempt to strike me. While my newfound immortality offered some reassurance, I had no desire to experience the discomfort of dying.