1st Stage Blacksmith (2)

Later that evening, Vicente would finish his third test at the new blacksmith's testing area at the Association's post in Millfall.

As he used his hammer for the last time that evening, Vicente was once again exhausted, but this time, he felt a perfect sensation in his being.

It was always great to finish a job well done. But to achieve 100% efficiency in the forging art without even using his unique skill was incredible!

After almost 30 minutes of hard work, after hours in this Association building, Vicente had finished producing a sword with 100% efficiency.

Even his master was dumbfounded to see his student reach this level while being only a 1st-stage magician.

On the other hand, even though Isaac was angry with Benson and Vicente, he couldn't help but be less grumpy when he saw this result.

Whether Vice accepted Isaac's proposal, Vicente could still help this Association post with his phenomenal skills.