The Rocky Gorge Incident (1)

After leaving the area where he killed the four men, Vicente didn't hesitate to choose a new place to wait for more enemies, a little further into The Rocky Gorge.

Since Millfall's powers wanted his head and many, including the army, wanted to see him dead and disrupt his plans, he would spare no one.

This was a night of carnage for Vicente!

He didn't even blink after positioning himself in a new area, rearming his weapons, and preparing for new targets.

Controlling his breathing, Vicente remembered the two worst days of his life and how he never wanted to feel like that again.

'Lauren, one day I will see you again. I won't fall here.' He thought to himself, already seeing more signs of movement in this mountainous forest area.

This time, he saw a larger group of people than before, spread out in three groups running along the sides of the mountainous area.