How to Act 

By the end of the same day...

Liam had been at the Mazzanti estate since the day before, having already organized his things in the dormitory and started training in the indoor areas set up for that purpose.

Having already made an agreement with Vicente, he could already be considered a member of the family, someone who had a duty to help the group but also an obligation to keep secrets and respect the family hierarchy.

He was anxiously awaiting Vicente's return so that he could take his second pentagram and begin working with the 3rd-stage herb. However, he was in no hurry because he knew how complicated it would be to safely do what he had planned.

Vicente was supposed to be preparing for his move over the next few days, so Liam wasn't in a hurry even though he'd been there for several hours.

In the middle of his wait, he met Rory, who was taking care of the family's affairs in Vicente's absence.