The Dominant Viscount Symons (3) 

Just as the Viscount was being attacked from all sides, Vicente and the people following him arrived near where the fight with the blond man was taking place.

Vicente had been a little late, and some of the people moving close to him had advanced and reached the Viscount first.

What had delayed him? The Acolytes who wanted to fight him over the plant he had bought at the auction.

He had killed them and collected their storage items, but that had been enough for the people in the group still fighting the Viscount to gain the advantage and get to such a man first.

As Layla watched the Viscount use his three pentagrams simultaneously to destroy a blade that had penetrated a few inches into his chest, she saw what looked like a furnace of semi-transparent flames explode. At the same time, the Viscount seemed to go into rage mode.