The Truth 

After doing what was necessary to formalize his relationship with Nina, Newton said. "Nina, you arrived in the city with your sister today, right? So, I will give you three days to rest from the trip and familiarize yourself with the academy where you will complete your basic training. After that, we'll meet every day after your classes at the academy. You will accompany me until nightfall."

That meant she would be under Newton's tutelage for an hour or two.

"Is that all?" Nina asked unconsciously.

"For now, yes. When you finish the basic academy and turn 10, we'll increase it a bit. But it will be enough. You'll see that in no time." He patted one of her shoulders twice before turning to Vicente.

"Is that all right with you? Nina's caretaker can come along with one or two of her guards. Saltstar City is not a safe city, so she must have reliable people to escort her through the local streets."