Leaving the Province 

When Sarah stayed behind after the other high-ranking members of the Mazzanti family left, Vicente easily understood what she wanted with him.

His relationship with Sarah was very good, strange to some people in this society, but very simple. They didn't love each other, but they had carnal desires for each other.

Every time they met since Vicente moved to Saltstar City, they interacted more deeply than a boss and a subordinate should.

Sarah was a wild woman who did things few women did, so she and Vicente always found a place to spend a few hours together doing what they had started at Long Bay Correctional Facility.

This night was no different! 

Even with Layla there, Vicente took Sarah to a minimally discreet spot in the woods near Saltstar City and soon tended to his and Sarah's physical needs.

Sarah was the type to make noises, so Layla couldn't help but hear some sounds a virgin like herself had never heard before...
