Situation of the Kenyth Empire 

With Vicente's conversations with the 30 emissaries from different areas of the south region of the continent, things would become clearer for each of these groups, with them better understanding Vice's goals and where they would end up with their alliance.

The Congregation of Revelations would eventually be marginalized or even destroyed, while the Cataclysm Order would have a monopoly on Dark Path magicians and the Awakening of powers. 

These points seemed positive only for Vicente and the Fuller family, but that was the price to pay for weapons and armor that would save the lives of magicians and allow them to fight the monsters and reclaim the lost lands.

From their point of view, it was a worthwhile exchange, especially considering the temple could no longer be trusted.

When the emissaries learned of the technique the vampires had created, they had two particularly worrying thoughts in mind.