Current Power Estimate

Vicente looked at his opponent, who was dressed in a leather suit, boots and gloves, with only his head uncovered. Bazel then revealed his magical form.

As the man's appearance suggested, his magical form was of the animal type, a kind of sea creature.

Upon revealing his powers, Bazel condensed what seemed to be a sea of mana around him, from which emerged a fish the size of an adult dolphin, which was surrounded by six pentagrams.

The configuration of Bazel's magical form was yellow, green, green, cyan, cyan and cyan.

This was an impressive configuration, something that, even if it didn't compare to Vicente's pentagram configuration, would shock the entire Polaris Realm.

But not only did Bazel's configuration tell about his power and how 'common' certain things were in Anicane, it also showed the origin of his pentagrams.