Curse Monsters Attack

Some days after Alex regained himself, some of the first-year students were having their dinner at the school's main dining hall when all of a sudden, a loud noise echoed around the hall, startling all the students inside.

"What could be the reason for that strange noise?"

"I am as clueless as you are."

Not hearing the noise again, the students decided to continue eating their food as they assumed it was nothing special. But some minutes after the first noise had died down, another loud bang echoed and this time, it sounded just close behind the hall. Seconds later after the noise died down, the wall behind them shattered revealing very large monsters with countless eyes that covered their entire body. The monsters all looked terrifying, enough to send shivers down the students. Some of the monsters had human legs with monster hands, some had no arms at all while some had complete monster arms. In as much as they looked different, they had one thing in common and that was the uncanny energy that was oozing around them.

"What the hell is that?" A student asked. Everyone in the hall stood dazed while staring at the several monsters, no one tried to move as though they were spellbound.

"What are you all just standing there doing? Run for your damn lives!" It was Michael who yelled at all the students. Turning around, they saw all the second and third-year students by the entrance of the hall. They all had weapons in their hands ready to fight.

As if struck by lightning, all the first-year students in the hall moved and began to run around for safety. And the moment they moved, the monsters did the same. They ran into the hall ready to attack any student they came in contact with but the second and third-year students immediately jumped into action without being told.

They flung their weapons at the monsters, cutting, stabbing, and tying them down but soon after that, the monsters will lose free, regenerate their lost arms, and then swing into action again. Some of the few unlucky first-year students were caught up by the monsters and some had their hearts plucked out while one of them got eaten by the largest monster among them. While the remaining first-years ran away from the hall, it was now the second and third-year students against the monsters.

"What do we do?" Michael asked one of his classmates.

"We should fight even if it means dying in the process!" The boy replied confidently.

"No! I can't die for this shitty school," Michael said firmly. "I never liked this place in the first place so I can't waste my life trying to protect what's not mine!" He added.

"What do you mean? No one here likes this place but we must defend it at all costs because as of now, it's our home. The teachers are all out of school and we are the only ones who can at least defend it, we need to join our hearts together in doing this," the boy said to Michael who had an indifferent look on his face. "Please, Michael... We have to do this!" The boy pleaded.

"No! I'm out of here," Michael said and ran out of the hall.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to die."

"Me too!"

"Same here!"

The boy watched in disappointment as about ten of them left with Michael. He looked around, there were only seven of them that hadn't left — Among them were Klein and Betty.

"What? Are you guys not going to leave?" He asked them.

"Do you think I'm a coward like them?" Klein asked with a scoff. "I'm ready to die if this is the only way to restore my lost glory."

The boy stared at him, he knew what Klein meant by restoring his lost glory. These few days, the news about him and Betty had gone around the school and everyone despised them, the junior students made fun of him and called him names while the seniors never looked at him like how they all did before. It was something he could not handle and as such, he decided to spend most of his time in his room.

"Can you stop staring at me like that, Senior Matt? These monsters are waiting for a sign to start attacking!" Klein said to the boy who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Sure," Senior Matt mumbled and turned to the monsters who were impatiently waiting for the first student to make a move on them. "One thing I figured is that these monsters are intelligent which means that they are no regular monsters like the ones we see occasionally, they don't attack mindlessly rather, they'll stay at the alarm and wait for the right moment to attack. Therefore, we can not make the mistake we did before and let ourselves be killed by them. Right now, the main problem is finding out their weak spots, only by so doing can our victory be secured."

"Allow me to use my ability," a girl among them said to him. She seemed to be the quiet type just judging from her appearance and the air around her.

"Abigail, can you do it? You know—" Senior Matt said but she waved him, not wanting to allow him to finish his statement.

"I'll be fine," she said to him and began to make some moves with her hands. After making the last move with her hands, she drew a horizontal line just on the space close to her eyes using two fingers on both hands and then a faint purple light glowed in her eyes. With her glowing eyes, she faced the monsters and focused her attention on them. After a few seconds, she staggered backward and was about to fall but luckily, senior Matt was fast enough to stop her from falling.

"Are you alright?" He asked her with his face coated in worry.

"I-I'm fine," she replied as the faint purple light varnished from her eyes. "Th-they don't have any weak spots, I couldn't find any on them," she announced.

"What!" Senior Matt muttered. A look of fear washed over him as he turned and gazed at the monsters. Without finding their weak spots, there was no way they could defeat them — It was the only way to deal with monsters as powerful as the ones standing before them. These monsters here weren't just the regular monsters as he had earlier said, they were on a whole new level... They had this malicious aura around them coupled with how scary and large they were. The students even with their training won't be able to defeat them, they may only be capable of serving them some injuries which the monsters will still heal because one of their abilities is regeneration. Regeneration is the ability to heal; any being with such ability is indeed lucky but the only downside of it is that one can't regenerate when killed so... you just have to avoid being killed.

"If we keep standing here, nothing's gonna be done," one of the students said and jumped toward the monsters.

"Ho—" Before senior Matt could say something, the student was already far off.

"James!" One of them yelled towards the students who rushed to the monsters. Before James could react, his head was already sent flying away.