A Useless Sword

The old man took the three boys around his shop, showing them various types of weapons such as swords, blades, axes, spears, gauntlets,  and many more. But after showing them all the new stuff he had, Alex didn't like any. Only Raphael was able to choose a red sword.

"Mr. Are there any other place swords are being kept?" He asked the man.

"There is, but only old swords are stored there. How can you tell me that none of these new swords caught your eyes?" The old man replied and asked him with a puzzled look.

"I don't know, why don't you just take me to where the old swords are kept? Perhaps, I may find the one that suits my taste," Alex suggested.

"Okay, if you say so then. Follow me," the old man replied and led the trio to a storeroom. When they got into the room, Alex looked around and saw many old weapons that were roughly kept there.