Chapter 35: One More Play

Luca looked away from his computer when he heard the gentle tapping on his open door. He looked up to find Sloane standing there with a meek smile and a box of donuts.

"Oh God," he groaned loudly. "I'm not in the mood for your antics today, Sloane."

"I'm here to apologize actually," Sloane muttered. "You have every right to kick me out and I'll leave if you really want me to."

Luca sighed but gestured for Sloane to sit down across from him, against his better judgment. Sloane smiled at him gratefully before placing the box of donuts on the desk between them.

"This is a peace offering," Sloane said gently as she pushed the box toward Luca. "I know it's not much, but I figured it's a start?"

Luca looked down at the donuts before looking back up at Sloane with no expression. Sloane squirmed uncomfortably and averted her gaze. Luca watched her for a few minutes before sighing quietly.

"Okay," Luca said before turning back to his computer. "Whatever. Apology accepted."