
An escape with a side of fighting

"You may have delayed the inevitable but we are still stuck in the middle of an enemy army you know?" Says Delilah her voice quiet and low. Strangely despite this fact everyone heard her comment and immediately all our movements stopped.

Only Tommy, I and Dahlia were moving at all but all three of us stopping at once certainly had a change on the atmosphere of the room. It now felt as though the room had crushed our hopes and dreams and was continuing to press in on us.

"I bought enough time to come up with a plan at least." I replied with a hint of bitterness. I imagine we needed some time to think of something. Of course it would've been better with an actual solution but that's asking a lot of someone on the spot.

"Well that's great and all but any ideas of this actual plan?" Asked Delilah. Immediately the room became still. The only sound the clicking of switches and rustling of clothes. Most of that noise was coming from Lumi's direction and I found she wasn't as tense as before despite the atmosphere.

"Can we herd them?" Asks Tommy. His tone was uncertain, unsteady even quiet a rarity from him. I couldn't imagine this man not being confident and stating his desires. Yet here he was still willing to put out ideas despite how he put them out there.

"Ships aren't sheep. Unfortunately human pilots are a tad more cunning than you seem to think." Snarked Delilah. My mouth moved slightly but stopped. She was right. As much as I truly hate to ever admit that fact.

"We just charge. It is not difficult to pick up a ship and simply ram it towards the planet. Whether this would make us safer or not is debatable but given that they do seem to care for their ship's crew I have to imagine one ship would be enough of a shield. If not we can always flee back to the safety of their army." Explained Lumi coldly before ramping up the ship's accelerator.

Seriously? She didn't even attempt dialogue just went ahead with her idea. I saw the ships around us try to scatter as they always had been but this time Lumi's eyes narrowed on a single ship. Then the ship appeared to rapidly enlarge itself in our view.

Eventually we bumped into the back of the ship and just continued forwards. My first thought was whether we would be able to tell if this worked considering the ship was taking up the entirety of our front view. Lumi however seemed unfazed and immediately changed the view so we could see over the ship in front of us.

The plane was still stopped in motion as we approached it. To be more specific it was getting further and further to the right of the screen. Yet through all that it continued to fire at us but did not move. Now that I think about it that's strange.

"They're willing to fire on their own men but not ram us?" I asked the room. The immediate reaction from Tommy was a taught expression with eyebrows raised and mouth formed into a thin line.

"Now that I think about it…" He murmurs before trailing off and seemingly debating with himself. I could see his eyes whir to life as they got to scanning the situation as hand.

"Regardless it appears to be working." Said Marianne. Her tone held respect and though not admiration she definitely held a positive outlook on the idea Lumi had decided upon. I nodded along though my eyes held more contrarian views.

The metal planet was getting larger and larger in our view. At this point even half of the massive construct took up the entirety of the window we could see. So when I saw an extremely bright light coming from the edge of the screen I was even more wary.

"Lumi dodge!" I attempted to bellow but my high pitched voice made it come out as more of a shriek or a scream. Regardless Lumi obeyed immediately as though on instinct and the place we were just at was covered in the multi-coloured light beam.

"Just get us out of here!" I shouted increasing my volume even more and not caring how my voice sounded. Lumi attempted to comply. She ramped up the engines as far as they would go. The ship moved forwards at her command like a loyal steed but it wasn't fast enough.

The light in the corner of the window was building up again and I clicked my tongue. "It's coming again we won't make it in time!" shouted Delilah coming to the same conclusion I was.

"Can you dodge it again?" Asked Tommy his voice even but with a slight tremble I don't imagine the others noticed.

"No. I am currently at full speed and the only reason I was capable of doing so before was the ability to change up my pace. I could slow down and perhaps dodge it that way but I think our momentum would carry us into the line of fire for the beam regardless." Explained Lumi. Her voice was not cold, calm or panicked. It was mechanical. As though she was reading lines off a script.

So Lumi's not going to help here. Slow down and take the risk? No. Use the ship in front of us as a shield? That's clearly not working. I can't do anything here. I have to leave it all up to Lumi. As much as I hate relying on her like this I just can't think of a way through this and it's her area of expertise anyway.

"Lumi what are our options?" I ask. My voice is low and carries an unknown weight I don't quite understand myself.

"Slow down and risk inertia taking us into the beam. Fly straight at the planet with the ship pointing towards the cannon and hope this is just a warning shot. Continue to fly forwards and then bank a different direction at the time the cannon fires. I unfortunately cannot think of any methods other than these to take yet they are all too risky for me to attempt. One mistake and we will end up space dust." Replies Lumi.

Hearing Lumi's options gives me an idea "Head straight for the planet. Push the ship out in front of you." I tell her. Lumi hearing me simply obeys and the view changes towards the planet sized weapon. I could almost see the glimmer of hesitation in the light that's gathering at the weapon's muzzle.

A rather large game of chicken don't you think? That was my bitter message to the enemy and hopefully it got across. I watch the planet closely looking for any sign of remorse, hesitation or indecision. That's what I'll pounce on. This is the biggest game of chicken I'll ever play.

The moment stretches out. The silent vacuum of space far more still to everyone present than it seemed previous. As though the universe itself was holding it's breath, waiting for each party to ready their resolve for the challenge ahead.

Finally everything quieted. The team's breathing all stopped for a moment. All the ships ceased their movement. The world itself slowed the constant march of time for just a second. Then everything started.

The gathered energy at the end of the muzzle appeared to sparkle like starlight. It appeared to taunt us. To say that it held the power to reduce all to nothing. I was not daunted in the slightest though. This dog was all bark and no bite.

The starlight all concentrated in one area. Compressed to a point of bursting. Like a hound chained to the post outside your house. It had been given the order to stay. Yet was waiting for the order to go.

Finally the order was given and it rushed out. Mad and hungry for new prey it searched the area it had been sent to and obliterated all that stood in it's path. Yet all that was there was space. The hound became confused and eventually playtime was over. It curled up like a good hound on it's chain and the remnants of it's passage fizzled out as though they'd become bored.

Quickly we flew the ship full speed straight behind the planet size ship and managed to pass through the range of the cannon that was just fired at us. "Biggest game of chicken ever." I said with my mouth raising slightly at the corners. Why you could even say I was grinning.

Everyone else mirrored my expression except Lumi. Marianne's smile was fierce, a carnivore watching helpless prey struggling in her grip. Delilah's smile was that of someone watching this for the sake of fun. As though this was all a game to her and she just got the victory screen.

Dahlia's smile was natural. She didn't believe this outcome natural but she herself was. She was smiling a true and genuine smile. Something I hadn't seen in quite some time. Tommy's smile was proud. A parent looking at a child or perhaps a small animal.

Even Lumi despite not grinning like the rest of us was certainly in a good mood. Her lips were raised at the corners and her eyes, usually cold, heartless ice crystals now shone with a note of excitement. Of innocent curiosity. Of a child-like energy she couldn't quite hide.

The only thing I had left to say was this. "Victory" and of course my grin this time… Was scornful. The smile of a victor. The smile of the one who writes history. The smile of someone who had so thoroughly beaten someone else in the game of life. Why it was just so fulfilling.