10: Work At Night

As another night came on knocking at the busy routine at Global Heart Hospital, the ER was filled with different kinds of emergencies. When one of the best surgeons finished her work and headed to the vending machine not far from her own cabin.

"That's hectic." a lady released a heavy sigh as soon as she sip from her cup of coffee. She was enjoying her short coffee break when the light began to static a little.

"Woah, better go." she muttered and went to her cabin. She obviously didn't like flickering lights.

When she got there, she made sure that her room was closed before she could remove her coat. With another sigh escaping from her mouth, she let her stereo play her usual classical music before letting herself crash on the couch. She was totally humming along with the music in her background and finished her coffee.

"Let's check on something." she recalled something and she quickly get up from the couch and went over to her desk. She began surfing her emails and she was being flooded but there was something that caught her attention.

"Who send this?" she wondered when she check the emailed clip. She was surprised when she saw a sex video.

The sex video was about a male and another male. She could not divert her eyes from watching the video but something hit her mind when she saw a familiar face.

"Why you kept doing this to me, Celso?" She began to cry when she started to recall the past that she already left behind. But a chilling voice suddenly echoed around her cabin and it made her shiver.

'So you know him?'

"Yes…wait, who was that?" she almost jumped from her chair and looked around her room which was totally clear and filled with lights.

'A friend or a foe…it depends on your answer…so don't lie to me.'

"Show yourself please, I have a lot of things that are already going on on my plate…please…" she tried to calm herself to whatever was talking to her and just sighed heavily.

'Not gonna show myself unless your death is near.'

"THEN TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT?!!!" she snapped and shouted to whoever was speaking to her.

'Everything about you and the man called Celso Capriz.'

"HIM AGAIN?! WHY HAS HE KEPT HAUNTING ME ALL THESE YEARS?! HE DID NOTHING BUT USE ME! ABUSE ME!!!!" she glared and ease the pain over her forehead before crying again.

"He already threatened me on sending this video to the board of directors…I will lose my job if it happened…" she added heavily.

'How he used you?'

"We're lovers but I was the only one who taught that…when he managed to have sex with me, this video was the result. And ever since he needed my help, he use this video to threaten me." she cried as she recalled that moment from her past.

'What kind of help?'

"His lust. After ditching me and getting what he wanted…he ditched anyone that he had played with." she sighed and wiped her tears away from her face before getting bottled water from her small fridge that was indeed filled with water, energy drinks, and a few granola bars.

'Did you know that he killed them with the use of the car you own?'

"HE DID WHAT?! But who cares about that car anymore after borrowing it for sex, I just gave it to him. I don't like it in any things that I own and whatever he does there...I don't want to know anymore…" she shouted but sighed in defeat because it has nothing to do with her anymore to whatever that man does to her old car.

'Then why he's contacting you again?'

"I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE GOT MY EMAIL! I already changed my gender to get away from him. I moved away from him and studied abroad to finish my degree until I was assigned here…then this happened…" She was totally frustrated since she was running away from her haunting past. She opened the bottled water and took out her medicine from her pocket because she needed it to help her handle her anxiety.

'Lie or truth?'

"ALL TRUTH! So please, save me from him…I can't go back to my old sickness that I managed to get through, I don't need this again." she pleaded.

'Then, resign from this hospital.'

"What? Why?" she was surprised by what she just heard.

'Do it for your safety. And beneath your lovely photo, there's a card that could help you if you're telling the truth.'

she took the card from beneath her picture frame with another girl that she was already wedded with.

"Where-!" she was about to ask but there was silence for a few seconds while she was reading the card.

"Lexie Coles…" she muttered to herself when the hospital phone began to beep and it was from the ER again.

"I'll deal with that later." She said and delete the video and turned off her computer before heading to where she was summoned.

But what she didn't know was that the person she just talked with was just by the window of her cabin. A black lady in a suit came inside again the cabin and took out something behind the computer and saw the medicine that the doctor just took.

"So, she's gone to a depression that's why she pleaded for help." the lady in the black suit muttered to herself and accessed the computer once again until the earpiece began to blink in the notification. It was indicated there was an incoming call.

'Where are you?'

"Working." the lady in the black suit answered flatly.

'Seriously, ICE. Don't go off without informing me. Does, my wife know about it?'

"Yes, and we could need her help over this case." ICE smirked beneath her face mask and she copied everything that could really capture the culprit.

'Found leads?'

"Yeah, check on my office what I have found." ICE informed her uncle Earl about it and he just sighed.

'Noted, head back here. We're going to discuss it.'

"No need. Be with your family this time. I'll handle it from here. I'll just tell you the updates that I've found." she just said and turned things off as she made sure everything around was still the same as the doctor left her cabin.

'Be careful.'

"I will." ICE nodded and covered herself again before jumping off from the window which was located on the fifth floor of the hospital.

As ICE easily came down from that high place, she just rode her Mustang car and drove back home to make sure everything that she gathered was in the right place. She was in her cave when she started working as the notorious and ruthless security head of the Marques family.

"Hmm, so…she doesn't have any motive for making the crime pointed at him…she had an alibi because of her wife…" ICE said with a sigh as she let her back rest on her chair when hot and freshly brewed blood coffee was placed on her desk.

"That's Hidie Kim McGrey. She married three years ago with Stephanie McGrey." Lexie came and said the picture that flashed on the screen of her computer.

"And you know because?" she wondered.

"She was a nurse before at the hospital where you go." she just answered and ICE looked curiously at her while taking a sip from her coffee.

"Lexie, you sounded like you're not telling me everything." ICE just said and Lexie just chuckled.

"It's classified but she's connected to the case of Celso Capriz and Stephanie had no idea about it." She cleared and gave a hint to her.

"Is she?" ICE wondered but Lexie shook her head.

"No, she's in their country working as the CEO of BioTech & Medical Research Fascility." Lexie answered and showed the company that she owned.

"She said earlier that she was sent to work at the Global Heart Hospital…EM, show me the hospital where Stephanie McGrey worked before she's being transferred here."

'She works at JLKim Center and the mother company hospital of the BioTech & Medical Research Facility of Hidie Kim.'

"So they meet in the hospital." ICE made a guess based on what she just heard.

'Hidie's sister was the one who help Stephanie with her transition but he trained his male part because of her wife who accepted him-her completely.'

"Lexie, I need her connection to Celso so we can pin him down to the crimes that he committed." ICE seriously said and whenever she was like Lexie knew not to get into her wrong side.

"Then you better rest now, you have work early tomorrow. Joan called and told Earl about your meeting with Sabrina at DEMar Hotel's restaurant." Lexie reminded her and ICE looked confused at her.

"What? Why there?" she was wondering why Sabrina decided to meet there.

"Maybe she's going to check that hotel." Lexie smirked and shrugged her shoulders as if she was planning something.

"Fine." ICE just sighed and let her AI system check on things for her before she head back to her bedroom.

But even when ICE was finally at her bedroom, she made sure about the meeting that she'll be having with Sabrina by testing her first. But before she could even press the sent button, her phone began ringing.

"I was about to call you." ICE answered the call from Sabrina.

'Then what took you so long to do that?'

"Hmm, miss me already?" ICE just teased her and she could tell that Sabrina was already blushing but still know how to act cool.