25: the Main Hotel of Marques

Giving new life to begin with those people who really need it, ICE and Sabrina won't hesitate on giving it to them. More importantly, ICE was the one who was handling all of them and carefully surveilling them. It was for both parties' safety.

"Babe, are you ready to head to the main hotel?" ICE shouted through the door as she asked Sabrina who was fixing her bag.

"Yeah, I'm just getting my things." Sabrina answered and when she was all set up, she head out of the mansion with ICE.

"You look great." ICE commented as she opened the car door of the backseat.

"I always do…" Sabrina winked and entered the car while ICE run quickly to the driver seat.

"...and your stunning, my love." Sabrina smiled lovingly at her as soon as she entered the car.

"Only for you. Shall we?" ICE smiled in return before asking Sabrina.

"Yes, please. Oh, drive safely, I'm gonna use my tab." Sabrina nodded and reminded ICE to drive carefully since she had to do some settlement through her tab.

"Sure, babe." ICE said and start driving the car out of the mansion.

The driver was quiet and the only sound that could be heard in their ride was the sound from the stereo of the car. ICE might be changing it as she looked for a nice song until she heard a familiar one and started singing along with it.

"Can I call you baby?

Can you be my friend?

Can you be my lover up until the very end?

Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend

Stick by my side even when the world is givin' in, yeah…" ICE was feeling the song At My Worst by Pink Sweats.

"Oh, oh, oh, don't

Don't you worry

I'll be there, whenever you want me…" she continued which caught Sabrina's attention, and smiled. She loves ICE singing voice.

"I need somebody who can love me at my worst

No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth

'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first

And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst…" ICE was glancing from the rear mirror to see Sabrina's smiling reaction while settling something into her tablet.

"If you stay forever, let me hold your hand

I can fill those places in your heart no else can

Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend, yeah

I'll be right here, baby, you know I'll sink or swim…" She went on her singing while focusing on her drive and glancing to check on her lady in the backseat.

ICE found herself smiling but the song ended as soon as they got closer to the perimeter of the Marques main hotel or the very first well-known hotel that the Marques built, the Royal Empire Hotel. The hotel was still the same since the last time Sabrina saw it and still standing as one of the top start rank holders for consecutive years already.

"Sab, we're here." ICE caught Sabrina's attention as soon as ICE stopped the car in front of the hotel entrance.

"Ready?" ICE asked and Sabrina nodded. ICE get out of the car and went to her side to open it for her.

"Guide me through all this again." Sabrina whispered as she stepped out of the car. ICE heard it and smiled beneath her mask.

"You don't need to ask." ICE whispered back.

"I didn't." Sabrina winked at her even though her expression was cold as ice then they were greeted by everyone.

Sabrina walked ahead while ICE was a little behind her as they walked to the lobby of the hotel. Everyone was looking at them and as they reached the lobby reception boot, ICE was the one who speaks instead of Sabrina.

"The reserved room for the Marques heiress." ICE speaks with authority and the receptionist lady handed the Exclusive VVIP keys. They knew already what key to giving once they heard what ICE told them.

"Welcome back, Lady Sabrina." All of the receptionists welcomed the heiress of the hotel and Sabrina just nod to acknowledge their greetings without uttering any words.

"Right this way, my lady." ICE speaks respectfully and guided Sabrina to the EVVIP elevator. It was the only elevator that won't be stopping at any floor.

Inside the elevator, there was silence between them but the music on the lift was making them calm and more relaxed until they reached their floor. They both get off the lift and ICE opened the door for her lady since it was the only room on the entire floor.

"It didn't change since the last time I visited here." Sabrina commented since the entire space was still the same and it hasn't been moved or altered maybe to the empty walls around the Exclusive VVIP penthouse.

"Some minor changes do some effects on the other area which you already knew. And the accommodation expanded based on the needs of our customer then, the security was tight like you desired." ICE cleared it out which made Sabrina chuckle at how updated ICE was about the status of the main hotel of the Marques family.

"Good to hear that you knew what's happening here even though you're managing the last hotel from my parents." Sabrina was totally impressed with how updated her personal bodyguard and lover about their hotels.

"Well, DEMar was much stricter than any hotel that they built that's why I have to manage it." ICE sighed while smiling since her lady boss was impressed by how updated she was.

"Do you have any idea why they made a kind of hotel with high security aside from planning to give it to you?" Sabrina curiously wondered why her parents suddenly taught her on building a very high-security hotel beyond what other hotels can do. It was a puzzling case to her mind.

"Not sure about that either but maybe because of the hotel's VIP's safety." ICE just shrugged her shoulders since she was not sure either about their reasons at all.

"My parents seriously left a puzzling reason to us to decode." A heavy sigh escaped from Sabrina's lips as she let herself finally feel the comfy couch in the living area of an open floor plan concept.

"Do we need to decode it or is it better to leave it that way?" ICE asked her lady boss carefully as she handed her a cup of Camomile Mint tea.

"Fair point. Keep the DEMar Hotel safe haven for everyone there including the employees working there, Caine. In case something alarming happened in here, that will be their safe haven." Sabrina took a sip from the cup before speaking in anticipation that might occur somewhere in the near future.

"Understood. I'll study the land of expansion in case it might occur in the near future." ICE agreed since they never know what could happen by then.

"Better to be ready than sorry. I will leave that case on you." She smiled and let herself rest for a while on the couch and sipping her tea.

"Understood." ICE said and was about to make some calls when a knock notified them. Sabrina looked at ICE who just shakes her head but went to check who it might be.

ICE didn't look at the pinhole and just suddenly opened the door to fully see who was behind. She knew that it was not somebody supernatural creature like her but a human and it was the manager of the hotel.

"What can I do for you?" ICE partially opened the door and look coldly at the manager from head to toe then back up to meet his troubled gaze.

"I'm here to speak with the lady, if I may?" he asked with his trembling voice and his smile was totally fake.

"Did you arrange for a meeting with her?" ICE coldly asked in her firm voice. He started to feel uneasy.

"Ahm…no…it was important…" he stuttered while looking down shyly. ICE inhaled his scent since she was a low-profiled vampire and read him a little. He wanted to make a direct report to Sabrina and from the looks of his reaction, it could be a serious matter around the main hotel.

"Hmm, I will let it pass just this once, Mr. Douglas. Come inside." ICE nodded and let him in before closing the door behind him.

"Sorry for the intrusion then." Mr. Douglas was totally nervous while trying to smile it off.

"Right. Come, right this way the lady is here." ICE guided the manager inside their penthouse.

Sabrina preoccupied herself with work once again while sipping her tea from time to time. ICE came back with a man behind her.

"My lady, the hotel's manager was here to talk something serious to you." ICE caught Sabrina's attention and looked at the manager before nodding.

"Why in person when you can just email it to me? And please be seated." Sabrina asked while making sure nothing slipped from her workload undone.

"I'm sorry, Lady Sabrina but here's the files that I've been compiling since your parents died. They assigned me not to share with anyone what has been happening here entirely to us unless we meet in person." Mr. Douglas apologized as he directly informed her about a certain task that her parent left to him. Sabrina finished her work and caught interest in what the manager was telling her.

"Intriguing task that they gave to you and you've been doing it for ten years already." Sabrina coldly but still sounded interested in what he was about to tell her.