Chapter 1: Ten Minutes is Enough! _1

"Sexy lady, white-collar temperament..."

Under the blazing sun, Lin Chen stood by the roadside, wiping the sweat off his forehead, and looked at the scattered sexy little cards on the ground with interest.

"I haven't been back for many years, and I didn't expect the city to be so open now!"

Lin Chen was unaccustomed to the sudden return to the big city after years of living with guns and licking blood from knife edges.

"Pah, pervert!"

Not far away, a stunning beauty in a cool-shoulder outfit was making a phone call, her big eyes fluttering as she looked at Lin Chen and finally couldn't help but sneer.

Lin Chen's face suddenly darkened, "How did I become a pervert just by glancing at a little card?"

Not wanting to argue with the woman, Lin Chen did not dare to stare at the small cards any longer.

At this moment, a large out-of-control truck suddenly sped from the side of the road, heading straight for the sling beauty who was on the phone.

"Watch out!"

In the critical moment, Lin Chen instinctively rushed over, grabbed the woman, and with a powerful pull, dragged her to his side.

Following a loud boom, the large truck hit the cement pier where the woman had originally been and then overturned on the ground.


Stabilizing herself, the woman in the shoulder-strap outfit looked at the overturned truck on the ground, her face pale.

"You reckless... huh!"

Lin Chen was about to scold the woman when he realized that in his haste, his hand had pulled the strap on her shoulder.

With this forceful pull, the woman's suspender dress and the innerwear underneath were stretched open to a large extent...

"Ah, sorry!"

Lin Chen quickly apologized, his hand retracting as if stung by a wasp.

The frightened woman, seeing Lin Chen's embarrassed gaze, looked down subconsciously and let out another scream, hastily holding her hands in front of her body.

Lin Chen, feeling quite awkward, casually reminded her, "Um... next time be careful by the roadside, it's not safe!"

With that said, Lin Chen turned around to leave, planning to catch a cab elsewhere, but he hadn't gone far when he heard a shy and angry voice from the woman behind him.

"You, stop right there!"

Lin Chen stopped, turned around, and looked at the woman who had followed him. "What's the matter?"

The woman's face flushed to the base of her neck, and she said with a mixture of shame and annoyance, "Humph! Taking advantage of me and then just leaving?"

Lin Chen was stunned and said helplessly, "I was saving you! So what do you want, to offer yourself to me and make me responsible for you?"

"Keep dreaming, you bastard, pervert!"

Stamping her foot in anger, the woman realized she had no way to deal with Lin Chen.

After all, he had indeed saved her, and he had apologized. What else could she do?

Seeing the woman's expression, Lin Chen shrugged helplessly and turned around to leave.

Just then, a magnetic and authoritative voice suddenly rang out, "Yue Yue, is this the boyfriend you told me about?"

Lin Chen was stunned. Boyfriend?

What boyfriend? We've just met for the first time, haven't we?

Upon hearing the voice, the woman suddenly clung to Lin Chen's arm like a frightened kitten and whispered in a pleading tone:

"It's over, my dad is here! Don't deny it later!

Help me out this time, and I won't hold a grudge against you. Oh, my name is Gu Yuexi, by the way..."

Before Gu Yuexi finished speaking, a stern-looking middle-aged man had already walked over, sizing up Lin Chen with a scrutinizing gaze.

Meanwhile, Gu Yuexi tightly gripped Lin Chen's palm, her hand full of sweat.

She suddenly remembered that she didn't even know this man's name until now. How was she going to fake this?

"Uncle, hello! I'm Lin Chen, Yue Yue's boyfriend, just discharged from the army!"

Lin Chen seemed to notice Gu Yuexi's concern, raising his head to meet the gaze of the middle-aged man, speaking in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

Gu Yuexi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Chen gratefully, thinking he was quite clever.

Upon seeing Lin Chen's attire and discovering he was a military retiree, the middle-aged man couldn't help but reveal a hint of contempt in his eyes.

He said coldly, "I am Yue Yue's father, Gu Hongtao! Young man, the door of Gu family is not so easy to enter!"

Lin Chen laughed, thinking, "Good heavens, is he looking down on me?"

As the head of the world's most mysterious and powerful force, Dark Blade, Lin Chen found it amusing enough to be fooled into returning to the city by an old man.

And now he's being dragged by a stranger to pretend to be her boyfriend?

What's even more infuriating is that this so-called father-in-law doesn't even have a high opinion of him?