Chapter 45: Got Promoted? _1

Sales Team 8, the atmosphere was mysterious.

Chen Hai was like a squid on an iron plate, restless and anxious; Gao Feng was excited, his face full of anticipation; other employees whispered to each other, waiting for the result.

Lin Chen was the most relaxed, playing a game.

Indifference makes one strong.

He came here to pass time and was not afraid of anyone.

You are the team leader if you give it, but you are nothing if you don't.

Sun Hao came back, his face pale, his whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

Chen Hai quickly greeted him: "Team leader, are you okay?"

Sun Hao raised his head, looked at Chen Hai, his eyes gradually focused, and then turned into anger and rage.

He suddenly kicked Chen Hai, who was caught off guard, and rushed to knock him to the ground, then directly pounced on him, raining fists on his face.

"It's all your fault! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation now!"