Chapter 57: Lai Yiliang Kneels Again _1

"Director Li has quite a setup today..."

Lin Chen's gaze fell on the two men on his left and right: "But Iron Fist and Evil Ghost, good for scaring children, can't protect you by themselves."

Lin Chen's words provoked Iron Fist and Evil Ghost, and both cursed loudly.

"Stinky brat, you're arrogant, believe it or not, I can punch your head open!"

"Tough guy! Keep talking, just don't beg for mercy later!"

Lin Chen ignored the two ranting men, walked up to Li Liangwen, and put his hands on the desk: "Director Li, I'll just ask, do you know about the message I sent through Lai Yiliang?"

Li Liangwen sneered, "I know, only one of us can survive."

Lin Chen nodded, "It seems you don't really believe me."

Li Liangwen said coldly, "I came up with a better idea."

Lin Chen smiled, "Oh, do tell."

Li Liangwen stared at Lin Chen with a fierce look, "That is for you to die. As long as you die, everyone will be happy, and there will be no conflicts, right?"

"A good idea."