Chapter 94: Clothes are the Seal of Your Man's Charm _1

Getting married?

Lin Chen bitterly smiled in his heart. You really hit the nail on the head.

Getting married, she really does have a say in it. After all, we have a certificate.

Lin Chen made up an excuse: "You and I are not in a real romantic relationship. If she misunderstands, and gives me a hard time later on, what should I do?"

Gu Yuexi laughed: "Just quit your job then. With your abilities, do you really need to work a nine-to-five? Your salary isn't even that much."

Lin Chen snorted: "The salary isn't much, but the commission isn't bad. I got a deal recently, and the commission was 900,000 yuan."

Gu Yuexi looked at Lin Chen in surprise: "That good?"

Lin Chen snorted: "Don't underestimate me, okay?"

Gu Yuexi shook her head: "Brother, you're really amazing. You're great at everything!"

Lin Chen snorted: "You called me Lin Chen before, then Brother Chen, and now Brother. You are really smooth with your words."