Chapter 97: A True Man Should Be Like This _1

Sun Ye fell silent.

Throughout the class reunion, he seemed quite out of it. Even when others praised him, he didn't show any smile on his face.

All the attention was stolen by Lin Chen!

Once Gu Yuexi played the video, the most attractive figures at the class reunion were naturally Lin Chen and Gu Yuexi. One was a strong and dominant man, the other was the class belle. Both were well-off and well-liked, naturally envied and flattered by everyone.

Sun Ye clearly understood that no matter how much he boasted, he would not outshine Lin Chen and might even become a laughingstock.

Liu Lei saw Sun Ye's silence, walked over, patted him on the shoulder, and advised, "Forget it, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Why obsess over one person? Lin Chen is too fierce; we really can't compare. Don't take it too hard."

Sun Ye snorted, "In life, we compare money and power – who would bother about being better at fighting?"